Hunting Montana, the "REAL" story ... *WINK*

I've never hunted 652, but I understand the numbers are still down a little there. I don't know a thing about the Cascade area. Our deer on this trip came from unit 700....there's no shortage of does!

Yep hopefully you will make it down so the deerking can get you a monster, If i have a tag I just may tag along... And yes I meant down HERE not down her.. Don't worry I wouldn't try to get you in trouble.. he he. But Deerking would. This is one of the best threads in a while. Can someone tell me why the big dude got pissed in the first place? Was it because he rocognized any of you? Jealous that you guys take some giant ass critters? or just a dumb ass? I think I remember someone saying that someone bumped into him? Was that it? Hmm those would have been some really good pictures. :eek:
Nothing like the possibilty of dropping some 'bows after a few beers with friends!!! Yetti bring that hook out of the back pocket and the guy better be one tough SOB for you not to get another in!!! :D

BTW congrats on the deer, both of ya!
I can't believe you guys had problems in a Montana Bar--every one I've been into I can't remember anything bad happening--maybe it's because I don't ever remember leaving the bar---nah that can't be it---next time you guys go bar hopping go to the nice Magic(tragic) Bar--high quality folk of nice demeanor--it's somewhere between 3 forks and manhattan--the timber bar in big timber or the bar in McLeod--the crystal in bozeman or the.....well I need to get a drink---later......chris
guys i dont know whats going on here but where i come from that is a 10 point,guess thats just southern exageration or maybe just our small deer.great story moosie and congrats guys.
depending where you live some will call it a 10 pointer, others a 4x4(ignoring the eye guards) and others will say it's a 4x4 with eye guards....chris
And some others would say, "What the hell did you shoot that little f----r for?" Especially if you are coming back up here. Personally, I would say nice buck, for your first Montanny hunt. Kinda bummed I couldn't hook up with you guys, since I was in Bozo doing some work the last couple of weeks.Oh well maybe next time.


Don't wear a Montana Grizzlies hat to the Spectators bar in Bozeman, 12 days before the Cat-Griz game. Didn't get too ugly, but it could have very easily.
Skin, The deal is I'm not gonig back up :( I might make it for Elk, But where I elk hunt the odds of a deer are like 1% I think.

Anyways, If I wasn't going to be happy, I'd of not pulled the trigger ;)

LOOKS like alot of people have been slaying them , I need to make my rounds Congratulationg everyone... In the morning
Congrats Moosie sounds like a good time. Cute little buck. J/K

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