Hunters Leave City


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Nov 28, 2001
Neb. Hunters Leave City, Turkeys Enter

LINCOLN, Neb. - As hunters leave the city for the spring turkey hunting season, some gobblers are finding refuge strutting around inside the city limits.

Linda Knott, a teacher at St. John's School, recently saw one of the large birds land on a windowsill at the school.

"I said, 'Hey, you guys, there's a turkey on the windowsill,'" Knott recalled.

By the time her colleagues came into the room, the turkey had flown away. Knott's co-workers started making jokes about Knott's bird identification skills.

The jokes stopped moments later when a student reported seeing a "big chicken" on school grounds.

Lincoln Animal Control officials said they have received a lot of calls about turkey spottings recently. Most of the calls have come from the city's edges.

More turkeys are being seen in Lincoln because the wild turkey population has grown significantly in recent years, said wildlife biologist Kit Hams with the state Game and Parks Commission.

Turkeys may be new to Lincoln, but in other parts of Nebraska, the birds are almost a common sight. One such place is Boys Town, where a flock of turkeys has roamed for years.