Hunters Killing Goats in Grand Teton Park at Alarming Rate!

Idiots? Nice. Go back to yelling at the TV.
To believe this was an accident is idiotic yes. I'm glad to see you guys have resorted to your insults again because you have no arguments that will hold up.

I have a job I cant yell at the TV right now.
you're doing all the insults and bolstering on your own, bud.
I didnt insult anyone. I simply told the truth and that is if you believe this was accidental your an idiot.

How long are you gonna keep me hired on rancho loco if I repeatedly fail at my job? Why do all these journalists continue getting a pass?
This happens across the journalism board every minute and every hour of everyday and you guys are on here defending it....I simply dont get it.
And the only argument I have heard defending it is that I should call in and report it more often.
Well like i said that's not my job. There is a human being i think with that job already. Not doing said job because there is an agenda to push.
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