

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The Driftless Area
Sorry no pictures!

my wife wanted hummingbird feeders for Mother’s Day. Well that was easy enough so we got two! Today there was 4 different hummingbirds at once! A hummingbird can fly forward, backwards, up, down or hover. They do this by flapping their wings over 50 times a second!
Who else enjoys hummingbirds?
Wait till they start coming to the window to tell her the feeders are empty and she starts going through 5 pounds of sugar a week.
It won’t be long based on the current visits she is getting.
Been talking with the wife and she wants to get some. Got a few always around the house by the fruit trees and flowers
Had the first show up May 1 this year. We get 4 species here in Laramie. The first to show up are broad tailed males, then calliope and rufous show up later. We get an occasional black chinned as well.

Took pictures of this broad tailed a couple days ago:

We have five feeders up right now, they have been up about a month. First to come are the Calliope, then Rufous, then Black Chinned.
Every morning at dawn and evening at last light, we have what we refer to as 'Hummingbird Wars", don't want to stand too close to the feeders for fear of getting
a bill in the ear. When they are cooperating and no Rufous male is around they can get pretty civilized and there will be about 8 or 9 around an individual feeder waiting their turn, but if a Rufous or Black Chinned has declared the feeder his, no way, you would swear there are feathers hitting the ground. What is amazing to me is how much they actually talk, not just the noise of their wings. Fun to watch and lighten the everyday load.
We have some Anna’s that have claimed our feeder. And it really is amazing how feisty they can be when other Hummers try and get a drink. They will buzz our heads and chirp at us when their feeder is empty. We’ve started planting our front yard flowerbeds with plants they like now to.
They are kinda cool to have buzzing around your yard. I’m going to put some feeders up. How often do you have to change out the sugar water?
I look forward to seeing them every year, I usually don't put my feeder out here in SW Montana until 1st of June. Yet to see one this year.
Don't have to change the sugar water, just refill when it is empty. One cup sugar to four cups water. Do need to clean them weekly so the little buggers don't get sick.
Here is a picture of a Calliope showing his throat feathers.IMG_0025.JPG
We got the hummingbird feeders out on Saturday! Saw the first one this afternoon! To quick and skittish to get a picture of the little lady, but they get used to us fast.
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I put a feeder out last Thursday and saw the first today (Black-chinned). I can't see the feeder regularly, so may have had earlier visitors.
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