
varmit hunter

New member
Jun 18, 2003
The old varmit with no n is kind of puny right now. Got to go talk to the big Doc. Next week. The only offer on the table right now is Chemo.

I am just going to sit in the shade a spell and soak up some knowledge from the folks here.

When I get to siting up a little longer. You can expect a dose of the warped East Texas sence of humor.

I have a bunch of calf killers woking things over right now. I can only get out of bed about twice a week. My Wife and buddy have been seting me up next to a tree. They drive off a ways, And keep a eye on me through the spotting scope. Called in seven in three trips. Starting to think I shold have been doing it this way for the last 44 years.

Looking for suggestions on how to camo a I.V. bag.
I'll come carry you if you will let me sit with ya and take notes my friend. You keep me posted as to how things are goin and if ya need any super calls let me know. It was good talking with you as always.

Your friend
Get better varmit hunter.You can camo that iv bag best by mixing up the contents yourself.One part Jack Daniels mixed with one part Johnnie Walker gives a nice color that is hard for anything to detect,including yourself after a little while!

Get better buddy,I'm rootin' for ya.I am heading out the door but I'll be back.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-25-2003 03:08: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
Hello Varmint Hunter, glad to see you here. I hope that you get good news and that you start felling better. I can hardly wait to here some of them stories. Have a good day.

This is a great story...
Even thru physical adversity, you can get out in the fresh air and hunt...Way to go and my hat is off to you in a big way...
Keep us updated on your exploits!!!
Varmit Hunter,

Glad to have you here. We will be praying for ya. Good story, I have embellished it just a bit I hope you don't mind.

"Momma them coyotes are after the calves again."
"If I don't get them stopped the good fortune will end"
"You're in no shape to handle this matter",
she stated, as the bacon started to pop and splatter.
Disagreeing he stepped out the door to check the wind.
Just like he has always done , before the hunt begins.
He knows all the ins and outs and every little trick.
He has forgotted more than most will ever get to stick.
He has sat a thousand stands , spent countless hours honing his craft.
Now another alpha male has crossed his path, one more worthy adversary for him to figure out.
He grins and goes on, because he knows trials are what life is about.
"I've figured out how to get that dark, ol'sucker",
His eyes twinkle as he lip squeaked in a pucker.

"Where are you wanting to go," she relunctantly asked, the truck bumping along.
"Stop here", he said, "this is where I want you to sit and watch"
"What in the world", she gasped,"where in the world are you going to be."
He slowly pointed, "I want you to prop me up down yonder against that old tree."
"Now , I know you don't like it, but this is how it must be."

" I am going to get him, just my calls, gun and me."

Later pup

ps. When you get a chance tell us of another hunt.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-25-2003 09:35: Message edited by: Pup ]</font>
It's good to hear from you VarmitHunter. We will be keeping you in our prayers. When you get to feeling a little better, check in with us and tell us some stories. I am sure you have some good ones to share.
I have just heard from a reliable source that Varmithunter (Ronnie Robison) is to be spotlighted on the Outdoor Channel's "Brad Harris' Outdoor Traditions" on July 1st and July 6th. This is showcasing his muzzleloader hunt for Whitetails in Kansas last year. Ronnie is a Gold Staff member for Lohman and does videos and seminars for them. So fellas set your vcr's and tune in to see how a pro hunter takes care of business.

Just want you all to know, Ronnie is my friend and I'm damn proud to know him. Ronnie is a straight up shooter who calls them like he sees them and he has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about coyote hunting. I look forward to our phone conversations as He always makes me smile.

Funny, I call to see how he's doin and he always makes me feel better.

and one more thing Ronnie, I will get you up here to hunt whitetail here in idaho with me even if I have to carry you on my back my friend. Hell I'll pay for the plain tickets for you and your wife to come. Just get well soon my friend.

My friend, I sure like the sound of those two words put together.

Thanks for all the kind words. They meant a great deal at this time. I have gained a great deal of strength from each of you.

Pup, The Alpha is no more. Just as you predicted. He sleeps with a V-Max.

Bless you all.
Seldom and you have both been in our thoughts. Now that Dick is better, it is your turn. I think that I speak for all of us here. We want all of our friends to be well. I for one would like to meet everyone at Sly's house for that BBQ I just volunteered him for. Hopefully we can all get together for a GSPHA hunt-bbq. Put some faces to the names.

Ronnie what rifle and cal do you shoot?

Take care
Tom. I am afraid that for the last 58 years I have been a gunaholic. I have way to many to list. My main choice is my Howa sportier in a thumbhole stock. Have shot 3.372" groups with this rifle at 600 yards.

I have always been a died in the wool bolt gun man. Today is my birthday, And believe it are not I have a Clark Custom Gator AR-15 due in today. They guarantee .5" group. This will be my first experience with a bullet squirter, But they say it squirts them all in the same hole.

I have a real picture of me sitting there pulling on the bolt handle after the first shot. For the country around here I need a auto shotgun with a range of 150 yards. Hoping this Gator 15 will fill the bill.
Well now, How come I'm the last to know these things? I guess I'll have to keep better tabs on you Ronnie. I may even have to start talkin with the little woman to find out these things before the hole board.

I want to wish you a super day and I will try to call you later.

Happy Birthday you ol'Varmit Hunter.

Varmit Hunter!!! I can associate with that line!

I always tell people, "Heck, I'm as healthy as a horse...
That's just waiting for the pasture gate to open...

Crow Woman

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