How do you store your horns??


New member
Nov 21, 2005
Northern Cali
Now we are winding down from a great year for many in the deer woods, curious where and how you keep your trophies and the not so trophies of your hunting success.My wife always asks what Im gonna do when I run out of 2x4s to hang my horns? My reply is (I will worry about that when and if the time comes,,,HOPEFULLY I have that Prob some day) :D :p
Heres the ones that dont make the Trophy wall...

That's a cool picture.

I let them mine kick around the garage for a year or so, then I throw them in the backyard and let the dogs chew them down. It helps keep the plaque build up down.
T Bone- Just a suggestion, but you may want to start holding on to those antlers, both big and small. I know they may not seem like much to you, but if your boys are like me (only in one or two of my good characteristics ;) ) they will mean lots to them down the road...
JDR, I nearly got 2 roof rafters loaded and would have most of a third loaded up except for two things.
1)As you know in Cali, we need to generate a transportation tag for a halved deer -and if you split your deer with a buddy and he takes it to a butcher- the horns and tag go along with it... or so my great "hunting friends" tell me. A lot of them "dissappeared" somehow. Yeah, right.
2)I used to butcher my deer at my Dad's, and bring the horns and tag along with everything 'cause that's how the law and F&G like it. I'd let things hang for a couple of days, show up to butcher my deer and be greeted by my Pop's dogs happily gnawing away at what were left of my antlers. My strange father would give the dogs my horns as a sort of "a present for working so hard chasing the deer" (we are allowed to use dogs in A zone)... or some such nonsense. It's a wonder I've got any antlers left at all.
...gnawing away at what were left of my antlers. It's a wonder I've got any antlers left at all.
Covered all my bases... called them both horns and antlers.
Yep -they're different. Antlers are shed and horns aren't. Trouble is, if I called them "antlers" the guys I hunt with wouldn't have the slightest idea what in the hell I was talking about. I gotta keep it simple out here.
Besides, "antlers" is WAY too hard to spell. lol DD
Dont feel bad Dave I get reminded by my anal hunting pals all the time on the horn,antler thing as well...
Nahhh, just havin' fun, that's all. Wapiti7s right...there really IS a difference. If during a drive I yelled "He's got antlers!!" half the guys would either fall down from laughing so hard or the other half would start reaching for a dictionary. Bedlam would ensue.
Nice JDR! What folks prob. don't realize is that there are some smoker blacktails in that bunch! Hey you can always turn 'em into shanks to keep the "population" under wraps! ;)
Well, let's see, I measure the gross via the boone & crockett method then I take a picture holding em as far in front of me as I can and add 20 inches...oh, you said 'store them' bad.

J/K, nice ceiling JDR.
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