How do you carry your bugle & reeds?


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2018
It seems like my bugle tube is always banging off my pack or inaccessible and that my diaphram calls end up crumpled in a pocket. Has anyone found and product that works and isn't gimmicky?
google is your friend.... couple different bugle tube holders. i have the bend able one and it works well. do you have a bino harness? thats where i put my diaphrams. honestly though the last 2 seasons i don't even think i used my calls..........
Mouth reed always in my mouth, or hanging out holding in my teeth, extras in blue snap case in waist belt pocket. Bugle in one hand, bow in other, or bugle is hanging by paracord over my shoulder, always easily accessible. Otherwise, I stuff bugle in pack/pocket when on the move knowing it'll not be in use.
The kuiu packs have a strap that holds then in perfect spot if you adjust it right, reeds go in a simple pouch (looks like old change purse) that is tied into my waist belt pocket.
Bugle goes around my neck, with a paracord strap, reeds go in a plastic coin purse attached to the bugle and bob's your uncle!
Diaphragms in an old plastic snuff can in my shirt breast pocket or bino harness.

Bugle tube under my arm

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