Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

How careful are you?

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
I was browsing another forum, and I read a post about a guy that was very upset. He had been bow hunting, in full camo and paint. He was sneaking up on a hog, was about 40 yards from it and then a jeep came over a hill 300 yards away (his statement) and the guys started blasting away with rifles without glassing to see if another hunter was in the area. He felt like they should have examined the area with binoculars before shooting.
What do you think?

I have to say that I have never glassed the hillside to see if another hunter was close the animal I was going to shoot at. Now, I don't hunt crowded public land, either, but this was on a large private ranch that charges a trespass fee. I would certainly glass to make sure that it was a game animal before I started shooting, and I would take a 300 yard shot on a standing hog if I could lie down or get a good rest.

I think this guy should have been wearing some orange - even if it was an 8-inch square on his back.

Thats a good point.

Sometimes even if they glassed they wouldnt see the guy so what would be the point?

If I see an animal that I am hunting I am going to shoot it, of course if I see someone else close to I wont but if I cant see you then I dont know what to tell you. I bow hunt and I always thought about taht as well however I am just hoping someone hits what they aim at and can tell the difference between a human and a animal.
I also hunt with a rifle in full came so I am accepting the risk I take in doing this.

I always try to be aware of where I am and who might be there also. I have passed on chances to take a shot because there was a slight chance that something else might be done as a result.

I rather be safe than sorry.
I try to be very careful. If I see a legal deer or elk and no one around, I am going to shoot. If I know it is legal, there is no sense in glassing to be sure. If I think someone is in or near the line of fire, I am not going to even raise my rifle. At that pint I would stop and glass. If I am not sure the animal is legal, I will glass.
I think most states have a requirement that you wear blaze orange when two seasons conflict. Bow/Gun. If your moving and in Camo you have to wear a designated amount of orange. When you stop you can go back to full camo.
I guess that is kind of my point. If it is a rifle season, and you are in full camo and paint, I think you should wear some amount of orange. This guy was not, and was upset that the rifle hunters didn't see him and did not glass the area around the hog to see if another hunter was there. (He says he was 40 yards from the hog.)

What is even more supporting that position is that he was hog hunting in an area where he knew rifle hunters were also hunting, and hogs have poor eyesight. There was no reason to be in full camo, in my opinion. Hogs will pick up on movement, but I have stood still and had a whole herd walk right around me and I was in jeans and a flannel shirt. Once they smelled me, they squealed and took off. They have good sniffers and good hearing, but their eyesight is not great. In my opinion, the bowhunter was wrong.
I would fully agree with that....It is pretty much a suicide mission any way to be kissing game and dressed like Rambo....
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