How Broke is your state??

Hmm, well what i love ask a rich perosn is why heck since u got big bucks and buy huge house chit u dont need u have all this and u die it all still ther eit waste to me, what big thing is when u get sued or somethin why on earth is u broke, after it all when u should bought smaller house u be st and less expensive car:), anywho, yeah gas so expensive it rediculous, so tax on ciggs, i was over uncles and i haad get ciggs so we had go to shanahon where aunt works and ciggs there was 5bucks i coulda got at home but was kinda outta way or gas staion got for still3bucks:BLEEP: oh well guess richer get richer andmoney goes to waste
I heard of the Spam tax on the news the other day..It will cover ALL CANNED MEATS :D along with chile, and stews..Anything with meat in it :eek:

Washington Hunter,,I have just 12 years left with the state then Lady Nutcracker and I are OUT-OF-HERE hump We're going to sell-out, maybe pull out our Deferred comp. and hit the road to someplace else...

I don't think they should tax Spam, I think it should be outlawed all together.

I am still doing a slow burn from having eaten a few bites of it years ago in a dish someone was trying to pass it off as food in.

I realize they have to put that gel-like substance around the "meat product" to protect the inside of the can , but that stuff is just creepy.
Hey now,,,,My dad used to like to eat that jell on crackers,,and Becky like to watch ( of cource they both like to eat chile and rice)

Aimee,,We're thinking of Montana,,or maybe the coast..Maybe even Alaska hump
