How are the Dove numbers?


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
We just got the call from our Dove Hunt guy to come hunt this weekend! It is a real good hunt. My son and grandson always have a great time. I have been seeing alot of Doves, so it should be a blast! :D
Dove season starts here Thursday(along with squirrel and early season goose). The dove numbers around this area are not quite what they were up in NW Ohio but there are a few.

I will let you know Monday night how things go. ;)
DS, they are scattered here. We usually get a wave down from Kansas about 2-3 weeks into Sept.
I finally got out today .I saw 12 doves.took 2 shots and got 2 doves. :eek:

So I ended up just doing some walking in other areas mainly scouting. Did see 2 coyotes and many deer. 3 of the deer were shooter bucks. :cool:
My percentage is an undefined number so far, 0/0, but everyone knows that means zilch, nada, right? I could have massacred some while filling up with gas today though, they flew right by, since there are no hunters there and its in the city.

You guys should shoot more, get your percentage down! haha Good shooting there!