WH's OutdoorsChick
New member
OK Moosie You have brought me over TOO! I am also from MM but I was Personally invited her by Mr Moosie Himself when I suggested if he get his own board! I have target shot before but I am yet to go hunting. I would like to go on a deer or elk Hunt next year. Although I currently reside in Cali
My grandparents live in Salmon Id, So I am somewhat familar with Idaho and Montana. It's a wonderful place to live and think about moving all the time but have never got around to it. Anyhow I dated a Hunter for a while and that is what got me interested so now here I am. SO far I have meet some real nice ppl from these boards and know a couple Hunters out here, but they like to hunt wild boars. Anyhow that is all folks. I hope to meet some new ppl here and have lots of Fun.
* and yes I admit Moosie knocking the tree down is what got me here. After seeing that clip I could not Resist

* and yes I admit Moosie knocking the tree down is what got me here. After seeing that clip I could not Resist