Caribou Gear Tarp

Hey Pawclaws


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
I have been over here in Japan since Monday, and I have yet to see the FIRST Harley Davidson on this trip. I have seen scores of Yamahas, Hondas, Suzukis, and a few Kawasakis.

I will admmidt that I am only using primary observation, so there is some room for error. Also, the areas I have observed have only been Tokyo, Toyoda, and Hachioji on this trip.

But, based upon observation, I would not expect Harley to be the leading nameplate in Japan.

PS> I have also been watching CNN here in the Hotel, and have yet to see them name Reagan as the second greatest President. I did see them showing clips of a flip-flop on State's rights from Candidate Bush in 2000 and President Bush in 20004.
This island always seems devoid of Wildlife. Maybe the lame arguments on High Fences being challenging are legitimate and no worse than hunting on an island, as it would be challenging to find something to hunt here.

Even in the cities, the parks have very few pigeons. There are some ducks here and there, and a few Ravens.

I don't think I have ever seen a wild mammal. Not a rat, not a monkey, nothing.
Well Elkgunner; I guess you are just going to have to break down and pop the 400 clams for the video tape. By the way; How does one in Japanese say; "Bite me!?"

KMA (Not Keep Me Advised.)