Hey internet tough guy, what movie makes you cry?


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]One movie that has done it to me is Saving Private Ryan. What gets me is the scene with Ryan's mother at the farmstead. She's doing the dishes and glances up to see a car coming down the driveway. She thinks nothing of it at first, until she realizes something. It was a US Army car. She looks up slowly again, confirming what she saw. Cut to the front porch, we see her watching as the car doors open and a priest gets out, confirming her worst fears, she collapses. I clench up when they decide to go after Private Ryan and the words of Abraham Lincoln are read.[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Come on, you know you all have one. That one movie that somehow pulls on your heartstrings just right and causes you to fight to hold back the tears. Lets hear it toughies. [/font]
Not a toughie anyway but, "What Dreams May Come". Haven't been able to work up the courage to see it again in a long time.
Nut said:
Porno's make me cry since I am not in them :(


Rudy, Remember the Titans, and Titanic for me! Also a sucker when it comes to anything sad to do with kids, tears at the heart strings.
How cruel to leave out the No. 1 tear jerker of all time, there are no second places: Old Yeller!!!! Man, You know your not having a good day when ya gotta go to the corn crib and shoot your dog! :(
I would have to agree with 100% on that one. Another one is the movie 8 seconds in the movie after Lane Frost is killed and his father is sitting in the living talking to his wife and he says that I really never told Lane that I was proud of him and that I loved him.
I too remember old yeller!
But, a old war movie titled, " Galipoli" about two friends in the early WW1 that tugged the old heart strings.
Starred mel gibson as one of the friends.
Old yeller for sure. anyone else ever see "where the red fern grows"??
I have not seen "Where the Red Fern Grows", but have read it many times. It always brings a tear to my eye. Ol Dan and Little Ann, gotta love 'em.
Yep, Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows....

There are others too, I'm a softy for good cryin movies. If I think of them I"ll let ya know. Hell, a tear comes to my eyes when the whole bunch "bows" to the 4 hobbits in Return of the King.

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