Help with knee problem


New member
May 2, 2004
Seville, Florida
Every time I go to Montana and hunt the mountains or scout I get a serious pain on the outside of one knee or the other that really hinders me on the rest of the hunt. The pain reminds me of tennis elbow, seems to be in the ligaments or tendons and only on the outside of the knee. It develops after strenous downhill walking in steep terrain. One theory I've heard is that certain muscles don't contract fully going downhill and are held in that position and create a lot of strain. I get in pretty good condition before the hunt with a combo of Nautilus weight machines, stairmaster, and treadmill elevated up to 15 degrees. these don't put the strain on that downhill walking causes however.
My question is twofold, first, what is causing the pain, and more importantly, how do I prevent it? ( I know, walk uphill only!) Also, is there any elastic band made to alieviate the problem?
I'm leaving for Montana on the 18th and I would sure appreciate any advice that would help my sore old knees.
Down hill is tough on the knees.....Two things work for me. The 1st is a lot of conditioning focusing on strengthening the connective tissue in there. It's not a quick response, so months of prior conditioning is required. Seated knee extensions, hamstring curls, lunges all work well. The 2nd is ibuprofen. Take it well before the pain starts, and keep it going.

If it's real bad, cut it off or go see the doc.
also, if your a fat ass, it tends to be tough on the joints......probably just old age kickin with it, ignore it, just quit your bitchin!
Iboprophen & bourbon neat works for me. Seriously, assuming you've done the conditioning, it's most likely tendon, ligament, or cartlidge. Downhill's awkward and repetitive pounding creates overuse symptoms. T-Bones ibuphrophen prescription is the best reliever I've found...except for good old adrenalin.

...and JB's right, advancing years coincides with joint pain. He must be a geezer.
......not qiute geezin yet(38), but did have a problem with joints when i started getting more than three hot dogs on the back of my neck. :D.

even if your solid muscle, like myself ,and you think your in good shape you may be too heavy for your bone structure which would cause the knee prob's.
JB said:
......not qiute geezin yet(38), but did have a problem with joints when i started getting more than three hot dogs on the back of my neck. :D.

even if your solid muscle, like myself ,and you think your in good shape you may be too heavy for your bone structure which would cause the knee prob's.

Ibu, sadly, won't help a small bone JB. :D :cool:
JB, Not a fat ass, havn't been since I was 38. Maybe it is old age kickin' in since I turned 70 in July. If I can't bitch and hunt elk, what's left for an old fart like me?
Going to add ibupropin to my diet at any rate. It's already packed, and I leave for Montana in a week!
Lefty, my knees hurt and I just turned 30 in July. I hope when I'm your age my knees still work let alone hurt! Seriously though, see a doctor and maybe a physical therapist. They might be able to set you up on a routine to strengthen the muscles around the joint(which causes a lot of joint pain, so I'm told). Probably won't help you much in they short term though.
70 yrs old, you should be happy to have a knee pain. :D :)
lefty, go to an herb store and get som lemongrass oil and some lavender oil. Put a few drops of each on the area at a time and rub it in.
Ibuprofin, 2 trekking poles, and a Futuro Sport Knee brace. I blew out a knee when I was young and it was fine until I went goat hunting last fall. It comes and goes now, but its a given if I'm hauling heavy packs down mts. The pain is pretty intense, literally like a knife stuck in there. Anyway I blew it out again this fall with 18-20 miles and 90 lbs to pack out up over a couple mts. How??? Lots of those little pills, trekking poles, knee brace and the desire to have a cold beer..... :D
"I get in pretty good condition before the hunt with a combo of Nautilus weight machines, stairmaster, and treadmill elevated up to 15 degrees." Lefty

"The 1st is a lot of conditioning focusing on strengthening the connective tissue in there. It's not a quick response, so months of prior conditioning is required. Seated knee extensions, hamstring curls, lunges all work well." Tbone

Does anyone know if there is anything I can do in the next 72 hours in way of diet or exercise to lose twenty pounds and get in shape? :D :D Smart axxes need not reply! :D

Lefty, I hope I'm alive and can just go along when I get your age. Way to go!
pa mt man said:
"I get in pretty good condition before the hunt with a combo of Nautilus weight machines, stairmaster, and treadmill elevated up to 15 degrees." Lefty

"The 1st is a lot of conditioning focusing on strengthening the connective tissue in there. It's not a quick response, so months of prior conditioning is required. Seated knee extensions, hamstring curls, lunges all work well." Tbone

Does anyone know if there is anything I can do in the next 72 hours in way of diet or exercise to lose twenty pounds and get in shape? :D :D Smart axxes need not reply! :D

Lefty, I hope I'm alive and can just go along when I get your age. Way to go!

Hire an outfitter? Buy an ATV? :D :D :D ...sorry Pa Mt Man, couldn't resist.

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