Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Help I dont understand


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin
I am trying to figure out my draw odds using hunt area 5 {Just for example} The draw odds quota is 23 for non res random draw and quota is 16 for non res special draw.That means a quota total of 39 tags correct?But then I look up the harvest report for area 5 and it shows 203 non res licensed hunters,This is where I am confused shouldnt there only be 39 licensed hunters?This was the 2008 draw odds and harvest reports.What am I looking at wrong here?
What statistics are you looking at?

Remember that the tag quota is split among four draws, not two. Special preference point, special random, regular preference point and regular random. So you should be adding 4 numbers together to get the total quota.
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Thank you 174! I have been looking at the Wyoming Antelope Reg book today as a matter of fact and I have been wondering the same thing. I can`t make heads or tails out of it. I did get some tips on how to find a unit. I can`t figure out Full Price, Reduced Price, Special Random, and Randon, Limited Quota. I`m use to going to Walmart and telling the kid behind the counter that I want a license, and I get it.
Thanks Oak. That does help make since out of this thing.
Thanks oak I looked at the prefernce point stats and it makes more sense now there is alot more avalable tags.I think the best bet is to find the area with the highest % odds with 0 pointsif you whant an area you can hunt the first year you apply right?
174, I think you and me are on the exact same page with the same questions and confusion. I also have 0 points and scratching my head on what to do. From what I can tell, Oak is one of the best on here to ask these questions.
Thanks oak I looked at the prefernce point stats and it makes more sense now there is alot more avalable tags.I think the best bet is to find the area with the highest % odds with 0 pointsif you whant an area you can hunt the first year you apply right?

The Resources page here on this website, and especially the draw odds link, is your friend. ;) Spend some time learning how to use it and it will really help you out.
From Eastmans:

For nonresidents, Wyoming actually
conducts two separate draws, the “Regular
Draw” and the “Special Draw.” The
difference between the two is plain and
simple: PRICE. This is Wyoming’s attempt
at supply and demand economics. The
special licenses cost more to apply for and
therefore “should” offer better drawing
odds because less people can afford them.
The state basically sets aside 40 percent of
the available nonresident license quota for
the special (more expensive) draw which
leaves the remaining 60 percent to be put
into the regular (cheaper) draw. Once split
into these two groups, the tags inside each
pool are again split into a preference point
draw and a random draw. This means
that 75 percent of the tags inside each of
these price categories are set aside for the
applicants with the most preference points,
while the remaining 25 percent are given
up to the random draw, for those folks with
no preference points, plus the unsuccessful
applicants from the preference point draw.
Basically, the applicants with points have
the advantage of being in both pools and
theoretically have two chances at drawing
a tag.

Go to the hunting page on the WY web site and download the demand reports for all 4 draws. Regular PP, regular random, special PP, and special random. You will see the point pools and can then make an informed decision.
For the preference point drawing, I am assuming that first choice applicants have priority over 2nd/3rd choice applicants. For example, If somebody chooses unit 47 as their first choice and has 1 point, they would get drawn before somebody who has 2 points and puts it as their 2nd choice. However, if licenses remain after all 1st choice applicants have received a license, then those with the most points for 2nd choice will again have priority. Is this correct?
However, if licenses remain after all 1st choice applicants have received a license, then those with the most points for 2nd choice will again have priority. Is this correct?

No, there is no preference in the 2nd choice draw.
For you newbie guys wanting to go to Wyoming, I've been out there from two weeks to a month almost every year since 1994 and am pretty familiar with their process. Each of the PP Draws start with tags being issued to the people who have the most PPs that put in for that particular unit as their first choice. The computer is only looking at first choice applicants all the way down the line until it fills all the tags allotted for the unit. Success depends on how many tags are allotted and how many people who have a stockpile of points apply. For example, if a unit has 100 tags and 90 people apply for that unit as their first choice this year with the maximum of 5 PPs, then all would draw the tag. Then the computer would go to those with fewer than max and down the line until the remaining 10 are issued. The odds are all on the F&G website. PPs are only used for a person's first choice and if you draw on a first choice you lose them. If you don't draw your first choice, they carry over and if you have paid for another one it will then be added on and good for the draw the following year. If you buy a PP during the application period and draw that first choice tag the F&G will refund that PP money and you will have 0 the following year. You cannot buy a PP and draw a first choice tag in the same year for a particular animal. Some make the mistake of thinking that if they buy a PP during the application period that it is good for the upcoming drawing, but it does not go onto your record until the draw the following year. You cannot miss buying a PP or applying for a license for an animal for two consecutive years or you will lose the PPs you have built up. Go onto the F&G site and then go over to the left side and highlight "HUNTING". A list will then pop up to the right and if you go down and click on "Draw Odds" a new page will pop up with the last few years odds for all the different animals. Click on 2010 and all the animals will come up and have the choice to click on each of the drawings that are held for each animal. Click on one of them and you will see the unit numbers, number of tags allotted, and how many people applied with the number of PPs from the max of 4 last year on down to 0. Each line will show the number of tags given out for however many had that number of PPs as a first choice until all the tags are drawn with the percentages shown over to the right side. The main thing to remember is that the odds are usually best in the units that have mostly private land because the F&G knows that the ranchers will be the ones to control what is taken, whereas the F&G has to take more control of the units where there is a lot of public land available because anybody can hunt it. Also, be aware that just because you look on a map and a unit appears to have a lot of public land does not mean that all of it is accessible. If the land does not have direct access by a public road you have to gain permission from the private landowner to access it. That normally will require a cash outlay just like if you were paying to hunt the private property with an outfitter or the landowner himself. Everything I mentioned and more is online in the current nonresident booklet and you can download the entire thing or just particular sections by going on the F&G site main page and clicking on that line.
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What Top-Gun said. I went through all this the last season from pillar to post and finally got it all figured out only to have some of the necessary data come out dangerously close to decision time & then had to do a hat trick to make the area choices and get it all in the mail.
That's one good thing about being able to apply online for your tags now because you can do it much closer to the deadline without worrying about a mail screwup and the F&G not getting the envelope. I usually wait until about ten days before the deadline before I file online and give them my money! When you do it that way you know you have filed and you can print your receipt out and even pay for and print the Conservation Stamp out on your printer. That saves a stop somewhere to buy that when you get there or worrying about not get that back in the mail the way they used to do things.
For those that are waiting to apply closer to the deadline is there specific information that comes out that you are waiting for before you apply or are you just waiting as long as possible before you give them your money? If you are waiting for info what info do they release at that time? Thanks
I'm mainly just waiting to give them my money, but I also might get a hot tip about another area on a BB like this and change my mind right before the deadline.
In my case, draw odds were late in coming out for some areas as they were reworking the web site, so I had to make some calls to regional offices and finally Cheyenne to get the info I needed. For most of the areas there was no problem getting what you needed.

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