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Hb 361

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Is up at 10 am for executive action in Senate Fish and Game.

Meeting was called with AM. Not a lot of notice. Will report the outcome around noon.
Committee voted 5-4 to advance HB 361.

Senators Hamlett, Jent, Facey and Gallus voted no.
Senators Wittich, Hinkle, Barrett, Bayleat, and Brenden voted yes.

Senator Shockley's proxy vote was not read. By the sounds of the debate from Senator Bayleat, the proxy vote was no. Senator Bayleat refused to read Senator Shockley's vote in committee.

What a joke. I listened to part of the meeting online and couldn't take it anymore. Our elected officials are definitely not capable of making decisions about our wildlife.

Thanks for the update Ben.
As I understand it, if a proxy vote is given, signed by the member, it has to be read.

Not sure what the rules actually say, I'm trying to track that down right now.
Senate Rule S30-100. Pairs prohibited -- absentee or proxy voting. Pairs in standing committee are prohibited. Standing and select committees may by a majority vote of the committee authorize Senators to vote in absentia while engaged in other legislative business. Authorization for absentee or proxy voting must be reflected in the committee minutes.

Not sure what a pair constitutes but it appears the committee can vote to count or not count proxy votes. I heard several other votes by proxy read in this committee this morning. That's why I'm curious if the vote to authorize is taken ahead of each meeting or on a bill by bill basis.
Generally a committee makes a standing decision to allow for proxy votes. Proxies are common in committee, and have been used extensively on all bills.

It was clear to me that the reason Senator Bayleat did not want to read the proxy vote was because it was a no vote.
I am curious on the amendment that was voted in, it appears that that amendment precludes the 2007 clause in the original 361 bill, It appears,, it almost combines 285 with 361 with out a few of 285's provisions ????
The amendment fizes the "problem" that was discovered by the proponents in that they would be stuck with the permit levels of 2007. The amendment eliminates all LE permits entirely, and makes them unrestricted.
We got it handed to us today. There scheduling bills and ramming them home all at once. Terrible day for sportsman.

We'll be getting 5400 min. more NR hunters out of the legislature.
(i) unless the elk population for a hunting district falls below 85% of the objective level
14 determined according to 87-1-323(1), may not:
15 (i) limit or reduce the number of archery-only elk permits available in a hunting district from the
16 number issued for that district in 2007 and shall issue those permits in the same manner in which they
17 were issued in 2007; or
18 (ii) implement limited-entry archery-only elk permits in a district in which archery-only elk permits
19 were not required in 2007.
Seems like HB 361 has shown that hunters are willing to go against 75 years of process, if you promise them some small thing to make them happy. Many hunters will take the bait for today, even if it furthers the legislative process of what is screwing us over.

This bill actually gives me what I had wanted in 2007, when I did not want these limited permits in those units. But, the means by which it was accomplished is not anywhere near the small benefit it provides.

I know some will follow and post that the Commission was not playing ball and not listening. I am not going to deny that. But, we have a process to work with those disagreements with the commission. A process that has served us far better than this, or any other, legislature has served us.

Oh well, hopefully the Commission has taken note.

I know the legislature has taken notes. Their notes tell how easy it is to get the hunting community to side with them if you just throw some hunters a little bone while you undermine the foundation.
You seem to be saying 2 things at once, prior to 2007 HD 631 and HD 632 has limted entry archrey permits, you said that ;

The amendment fizes the "problem" that was discovered by the proponents in that they would be stuck with the permit levels of 2007. The amendment eliminates all LE permits entirely, and makes them unrestricted.

then you go on to say that:
(i) unless the elk population for a hunting district falls below 85% of the objective level
14 determined according to 87-1-323(1), may not:
15 (i) limit or reduce the number of archery-only elk permits available in a hunting district from the
16 number issued for that district in 2007 and shall issue those permits in the same manner in which they
17 were issued in 2007; or
18 (ii) implement limited-entry archery-only elk permits in a district in which archery-only elk permits
19 were not required in 2007.
I am concerned about lines 16 and 17

Still confused.
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