Have 30-06 brass / Need .270


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
Two days into the rising sun
Wondering if anyone wishes to trade some 270 brass for 30-06? Looking for maybe 100 once-fired cases.

The 30-06 brass is once fired by me or my dad (not range pickups) but is not deprimed and not cleaned. Probably a mix of RP, Win, maybe some Fed. I could deprime and do a quick tumble if someone was interested.
I was wondering same. I mostly shot 30-06 brass in my .270 for years because of all the range pick up brass I found in 06.
Just wondering. Why not re-size your '06 brass to 270 brass?
I prefer not to have off headstamps, if I get hit by a bus, there is nobody in my family that has any idea what anything is, and I don’t want any of my reloads making it into ignorant hands in the future. Basic paranoia probably.

I guess I’d do it if I was making something like a 350 rem mag from 7mm I suppose…. (at least I thought that could be done)
Nah man, resize and send ‘em! You could tape a sticky note on the ammo box indicating resized 30-06 to .270. The only drawback I've found is that the full capacity(neck length) isn’t reached until maybe the fourth reload.