HAppy New year !!!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Anyone making a N.Y.R. ? I think I might... But I always break them. maybe I should make one not to break the one that I make. If I don' break on then I need not make one not to break the one I make because I wouldn't have broken the one I made so it's not broken.

......I could do that, or I could just say I'm gonig to start makeing more sense...?!?!? NAHHHHHhh !! :D

My goal is to Run 1 mile a day min. for the first week of the year. Week 2 will be 1.5 miles. I'm only setting 2 weeks up, After that, It's open for chouch potatoism ;)

May the new year bring all you Dude's and Chick everything you hope for !!!! 2 words of wisdom for the start of the new year.

Live life to it's fullest today, you don't know what tomorrow brings.
Be nice to others, it's a small world.

I'll catch you next year, Peace out !!!
Happy New Year to allhump hump

To get myself back into the type of shape that will make me look good in my thongs again..hump And mostly to get this heart thing squared away...

I was thinking about trying to get along better with those who's mind set makes them think that they are better than others, but wouldn't measure up to the butt crack on a midget..I say to them,,,,

Same to ya Moosie & good luck to Boise State.

Hunterman, 'butt crack to a midget'....LMAO...hope the heart & thong reso's work out for you.

I hope to work harder & be more patient.
I'm just gonna resolve to hunt more next year..not hard, since I didn't get out much this year...ya'll be careful driving, and call a cab, if you enjoy any adult beverages.
Welcome to "Moosie's Casa" Peterbuilt !!!!

Well, I've done well the first 13 hours of the year ;)
Caribou Gear

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