Happy Fathers Day


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
Happy Fathers Day to all you Fathers out there.

I was discussing wildlife biology with a retired wildlife biologist a few weeks ago, how do you define survival? For an individual, you associate survival with staying alive. But for a species it is not just staying alive, it is reproduction and the survival of that progeny to maturity so they can also reproduce - recruitment.
Applicable to the human hunting/angling heritage, that means reproducing hunters and anglers, not just those you possibly gave birth to. So for all of you "fathers" that sow hunting/angling seed out there, teach hunters education and such, thank you for recruiting on the hunting/angling front. ;)


Happening Now: Complete Coup Of Our Public Lands?

Patrimony is defined as “an estate inherited from one’s father or ancestors.” Americans have no greater or more desirable estate than the 630 million acres of public lands and waters that our forefathers began setting aside for us back in the 1860s. From our forests to our wildlife refuges and our national parks, we have been bequeathed an incomparable legacy that we are charged to protect “for the benefit of this and future generations.”

But it’s all hanging in the balance right now. It is quite possible that we will end 2016, the much ballyhooed centennial of our National Park Service, with a system that is severely depleted.

Here’s how I see it going down...

So as we gift the fathers in our lives with lunches and ties, golf clubs and cologne, let’s spare a thought for the patrimony of nature that we will leave to future fathers. Will they thank us as we can thank our forefathers? Or will they revile us for being avaricious and exploitative as we paid lip service to caring about them? We are deciding that right now, by action or inaction. Happy Fathers’ Day!