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Hang-on Stands and Safety Harness suggestions?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Though I am very happy and willing to use my Summit climber, I have a few places I'd like to put a hang on stand. Couple of things I think I'd like are:
1. fold up seat
2. fold up armrests
3. relatively large platform

Considering those characteristics, what hang ons would you guys recommend? What hang ons would recommend irregardless of those criteria? Whatever I decide on will be accesses via a strap on ladder and/or screw in steps.

Safety Harness. I have not worn one, but will this year. Couple of characteristics I think I'd like are:
1. the ability to use a lineman's type belt for climbing and hanging stands
2. the ability to drag out deer with the harness (I think #1 would allow this as well)

Are most folks using the ones that come with the purchased stands or others? If 'other' what makes and models do you suggest?

Any/all suggestions will be appreciated.Hang-on Stands and Safety Harness suggestions?
First and foremost GET A SAFETY HARNESS. Here in the east we do most of out hunting from trees so a harness is critical. There are a few of good ones out thereHSS makes a good one with a climbing rope and Tree Spinder makes one that will lower you to the ground. Im fimiliar and like either one.Easy on and dont even know it is there.Gorilla Treestands makes a good one with a nice sized platform. Im 6'1" 250 so I like and need more room than most.API makes a good one as well. I do not use them much anymore due to the fact that Iv had more than one stolen from me plus I like to be mobile.Hope it helps
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I bought a tree spider and love it. Much better then the freebies you get with the stand and better then the vest style.

As far as stand goes, cant help ya there as we have different requirements. I dont want an arm rest and a stand that stays quiet in the coldest weather was what i wanted. I had hunted out of too many creakers including ladder stands. Lone Wolf Alpha works for me but wont have the arm rest.
+1 for the Lone Wolf. I would trade arm rest for a rock solid, no creak Lone Wolf anyday.

I have a hunter safety system, but recently tried on a tree spider. I am temped to switch.
I've been using the Big Game Boss XL stands with the Big Game 20 ft quick sticks and they have worked well. They are kind of heavy, but they are easy to put up and have a large platform and removable seat cushion. The price is pretty reasonable too compared to others. I primarily use the stands for archery so I don't like having the arm rests.

I'm planning to buy the Muddy harness this year. I never wore a harness until last year (2 little kids now, time to smarten up). I wore the ones that came with the Big Game stands and it pretty much sucked. I decided then that I was going to buy a good one this year.
First off I can't believe you have been using a climber without a harness. Even when I use my climber I use a harness.

I use the harness that came with it as it works and I did not have to go spend extra money. No it's not as pretty as the others, but it works.

On hang on stands I go cheep as I don't want someone stealing a VERY costly Lone Wolf. I also have more than one hang on so buying LW's times 5 is VERY costly. I use the Gander mountain ones and the work just fine. For less creaks get a ratchet strap for the bottom and very little to no squeak.

No if you are going to get just one stand and carry it in every time get the lightest stand you can. I have one they don't even make anymore and it's super light.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I may rethink the armrest idea. I just thought it might be nice as I'm used to them on my Summit climber. My arms aren't so big that I can't let them hang and tire me out! ;)

Strutnut- Why do you like the tree spider over the vest style? Just curious.

Thanks for the suggestions of the Lone Wolf. A bit more than I'd like to spend, but will look at them more closely. I have hunted out of the Big Game XL once and it wasn't bad. Any other suggestions?
I have a couple Summit climbers, nice for moving stands around. I do have, I believe the Gorrilla XL or King Kong, model escapes me. Big platform, big seat (flips up) and the cushion is removable (4" thick, comfy). I always just bring the cushion in when I am going to sit and then take back with me. Squirrels are hard on cushions.... Mine is at least 10 yrs old, but I am sure they haven't change much.

***Oh and they are pretty cheap for the quality.
Forgot------Gorrilla also used to throw in a free, pretty high quality harness.
I use the Lone Wolf hang-on but my son has a Gorilla King Kong Lounger hang-on that does have arm rests. Seems to be pretty comfortable.
The tree spider is lighter and more comfortable. Nice in the early season. AS it gets colder you can either have it over or under your clothing although I like it over. They have a nice controlled descent option for them as well. Very well made harness.
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