Gun-shy dogs


New member
Jan 30, 2001
I have 2 beagles, male and female. The male is vary gun-shy. Lightning, guns, and fire-works freak him out. If I took him to the trap range with me and let him sit in the car, or tie him up at a distance, will he get over it? Or, would it make it worse? What do you guys think? The female couldn't care less. He is about 7 years old.
I think trying to break a gun shy 7 year old dog will be an effort in futility. Probably just cause more grief than what its worth.
You put him in the car and start shooting, he will probably ruin the inside of the car. YH can probably be more assistance. Just my opinion.
If he's 7 it would be very hard, I start my dogs out as pups around .22's then work up to shot guns and the whole time play "fetch" so that they know if theres a shot they retreive. I tried working with my in laws spaniel that was gun shy and it was a waste of time for the dog and myself. If you are lookingto hunt with thebeagle, look into a pup and start it young.

Just my experience, i'm no pro at training.
Would you be able to change your ways at 49?

Don't put yourself, and the dog, through all the grief of even trying. Sorry. Lost cause.