Sitka Pre Season Savings

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What runs through my head when you tell me about your sweet bear pistol

My wife knows when I’ve drawn a tag in Alaska because I’m in my hunting boots and Whitey tighties practicing my pistol draw in front of her full length mirror.
You wait to get drawn to do that?

I practice my draws wearing nothing but a chest rig in the mirror, bruh!

Wouldn't it have been so much easier to walk out if she flipped the antlers upside down?
Did you miss the part where the only part of the elk showing is it's ass so she just lets it fly from over 500 at the rear end? Oh and they filmed it and thought it was a great shot. Next shot is through the juniper where she said "guessed" where the vitals were.

Thankfully she was able to recover that bull b/c he was "stacked"