Caribou Gear Tarp

Grandsons First Fish


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
I've had three of my grandsons living with me for a little over a year now and decided they better learn to fish. I got the two older ones (4 & 3 yrs old) Spider Man fishing poles, they got pretty good casting in the yard so last night after work we took their first fishing trip to the pond. Once they had water in front of them and hooks on the line all their good practice casts disappeared, fortunately I took one of my sons with me and so we only had to watch one kid each, luckily only fished were hooked at the end of the night. They each got a bass for their first fish ever and then caught a few more bass and stocker rainbows. I'm sure they'll want to catch bigger ones in the future but for now they were a couple of pretty happy little campers, who wanted to know why Grandpa couldn't take them again tonight - that fishin' bug can bite you at any age!


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Congrats! I remember my son's first fish like it was yesterday... and it was half a decade ago! Hopefully lots more fishies for you guys in the future!