Yeti GOBOX Collection

GMU 77 Colorado Elk


New member
Dec 18, 2017
Hello fellow sportsman,

Myself and two other avid outdoorsman are traveling to the Weminuche Wilderness Area for the 1st Rifle Season in 2k18. Collectively we have hunted a range of game from numerous areas of North America, including but not limited to Alaska, Wyoming..and other western big game states. However, with that being said Southern Colorado has escaped us. We are well aware of the ruggedness of the Weminuche and to be honest that is what is drawing us to the area. Physical conditioning and preparation will not limit us on our hunt, however our lack of knowledge of areas heavily hunted, access roads and outfitter presence will.

We are debating the Northwest area North of the Weminuche Valley or the East area North of Piedra Falls. I would gladly accept any advise or constructive criticism on these areas. We are aware that no matter where we hunt there are most likely going to be other hunters, however that is the challenge and limitations of public land hunting in western states, specifically Colorado.

Also, we would like to avoid any and all trail heads if that is possible. We have found some locations that would allow us to avoid the trail heads, however they are far from ideal locations in relations to the areas we want to hunt. From what we have read the trail heads in the Weminuche during elk season are ridiculously crowded. Is there truth to this during the 1st season?

Thanks for reading, all other advise in regards to GMU 77 would be greatly appreciated. I do not want your "honey hole locations" just tips and tricks to take on the Nuche..
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