Getting Ready

calif. hunter- it takes me about an hour to get from paso robles to the 156 cut off, looks like that is the best route to hollister from the not sure how far hollister is from that cutoff but in case he cant help you maybe this will.that intersection is going to be just north of salinas maybe 6 or 8 miles
T Bone- If you really get it poison oak bad (I'm in the crap enough to not be too bothered by it) wear lightweight long sleeved shirts and coat any of your uncovered skin with TECNU. Wash your skin with COLD water if you come in contact with it and reapply the TECNU (its a barrier against the p-oaks oils).

REMEMBER not to wipe your brow with your arm if its hot (and most likely will be) and you should fair o.k. One guy I hunted with down there got it so bad on his legs that his calf right above his boot looked like it had a friggin' grapefruit under the skin :eek:

.....also keep an eye (ear) out for yellow jacket nests, rattlesnakes, and the business end of those tuskers...heeheee, you're gonna have fun!
I did see 7 hogs this weekend at my friend's ranch near Parkfield. A group of 6 sows and small boars, and one lone boar that went about 150 pounds. I didn't have time to get the camera, unfortunately. :(
Where do you get the TECNU at? I have some stuff that works really good after you get it.But I'd rather not get it at all.

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