Getting Old Sucks

I turn 65 in May so I am there with ya. Got shoulder surgery twice, once for torn rotator cuff in left shoulder and then severed my top biceps tendon and partially tore the lower one so major bone surgery there to "transplant" the tendons to a new area on the bone. I still feel pains of bursitis now and then particularly if I am doing heavy lifting overhead. My foot injury from having a tire from a 2 1/2 ton truck land on it when I was unloading it from the back of the truck to repair it while I was in the Army. Because of that I deal with pain that the foot doctor calls neuropathy and said it is usually associated with diabetes which I do not have. Hunting takes my mind off it but sometimes I feel it back at camp LOL.
I turned 82 a few weeks ago, still getting around just a lot slower. Getting out of bed seems to take more moves. Last year this time I was on Tanzania safari for 21 days and took 8 head of plains game plus 4 Cape buffalo. In 2004 my family was planning my funeral due to colorectal cancer. A year of chemo and radiation, plus some really serious surgery and I am still kicking. If it sounds like i am bragging, i guess I am. Would have been in Africa this Fall if not for Covid virus. One lucky old codger.
I turned 82 a few weeks ago, still getting around just a lot slower. Getting out of bed seems to take more moves. Last year this time I was on Tanzania safari for 21 days and took 8 head of plains game plus 4 Cape buffalo. In 2004 my family was planning my funeral due to colorectal cancer. A year of chemo and radiation, plus some really serious surgery and I am still kicking. If it sounds like i am bragging, i guess I am. Would have been in Africa this Fall if not for Covid virus. One lucky old codger.

You Sir, are among a privileged few. Bragging a bit in consideration of your circumstances is ok in my opinion. Thanks for letting us 60 somethings know we need to grow a set. Said in the best of way, of course.
63 now. Busted left shoulder 1995. Busted right shoulder 2000. Major surgery at L5-S1 in 2005. Easy to remember the dates as the really bad injuries seem to come in five year increments. All on the job injuries with equipment or bad guys. A lifetime of weight lifting. Too man wrestling matches with bad guys. 44 years of pounding the body in a patrol boat on big water, and on a snowmobile. Working through a neck problem with bone spurs, bone chips, and three bulged discs at the moment. Keep moving !!! Planning several hunts for this fall. One more summer of boat patrol... hopefully.
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My thoughts on turning 45....

Elbow... shoulder... knee... hip all making their presence known.
i can totally relate to that! Spent last Tuesday in the ER passings a kidney stone. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Doc says 3 things cause kidney stones - too little water, too much salt and too much protein / red meat. Check, check, check. Guess I need to make some changes!
I'm 54. Visiting my daughter in Montana as i type. So we went skiing the other day. My first of the year. We ski bumps. My legs are screaming at me and it's not even lunch time yet. Then we go to a spot and she drops into a chute. I'm like #$#$ , this is the end. I drop in. It was actually fun and not nearly as deadly as it looked from above. Had a great day but i learned a valuable lesson. My days of just grabbing my stuff and hitting it are done. I need to train every day, especially since I'm moving here in six months and i plan to lug an elk out on my back. What a great problem !
i can totally relate to that! Spent last Tuesday in the ER passings a kidney stone. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Doc says 3 things cause kidney stones - too little water, too much salt and too much protein / red meat. Check, check, check. Guess I need to make some changes!
LOL maybe I left a little something for you elk hunting after all. I was passing a kidney stone every two weeks so they did an MRI and had to go in and blast a huge one. What I was passing was the little shards that broke off a stone way too big to pass. They aint no fun. Well seemed kinda fun when I was high on morphine though.
LOL maybe I left a little something for you elk hunting after all. I was passing a kidney stone every two weeks so they did an MRI and had to go in and blast a huge one. What I was passing was the little shards that broke off a stone way too big to pass. They aint no fun. Well seemed kinda fun when I was high on morphine though.
You took the saying “Go big or go home” a little too literally. Hope you cleared it up.
At 55 my health is generally good. I am Type 2 diabetic and that has had the crap impact of suffering from Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) Had it on the left side when I didn't know what it was and got to the point where I pretty much lost use of my left arm, couldn't raise it above chest level. I have my left arm back but developing the issue on my right side now. Fighting it tooth and nail but man it is painful. I haven't bothered shooting archery in 4 years because of the issue. Went shooting my new rifles over the weekend and yeah shoulder is saying WTF today. I figure the recoil may help crack some of the scar tissue in the joint. Not a fun condition to fight through.
At 55 my health is generally good. I am Type 2 diabetic and that has had the crap impact of suffering from Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) Had it on the left side when I didn't know what it was and got to the point where I pretty much lost use of my left arm, couldn't raise it above chest level. I have my left arm back but developing the issue on my right side now. Fighting it tooth and nail but man it is painful. I haven't bothered shooting archery in 4 years because of the issue. Went shooting my new rifles over the weekend and yeah shoulder is saying WTF today. I figure the recoil may help crack some of the scar tissue in the joint. Not a fun condition to fight through.
One month ago I went through Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) for a frozen left shoulder. Hurt like hell, but had no choice as I had a torn rotator cuff, torn bicep tendon and torn labrum but couldn’t do the surgery until the shoulder was unfrozen. They unfroze it and had the surgery last Thursday to fix all the damage. Frozen shoulder is the most painful thing I’ve gone through - although this surgery is running a very close second. Get the MUA done so that you can get your shoulder back.

I feel for you.
One month ago I went through Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) for a frozen left shoulder. Hurt like hell, but had no choice as I had a torn rotator cuff, torn bicep tendon and torn labrum but couldn’t do the surgery until the shoulder was unfrozen. They unfroze it and had the surgery last Thursday to fix all the damage. Frozen shoulder is the most painful thing I’ve gone through - although this surgery is running a very close second. Get the MUA done so that you can get your shoulder back.

I feel for you.
Had MUA on the left shoulder. Using the stretching I used in physical therapy on the right side. Have not lost to much range of motion yet on the right side. If it gets bad then yes will have MUA done. Trying to avoid that this time around.
Caribou Gear

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