Freezeout Lake Status 2017


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
Anyone able to say what the ice looks like on the water and what the swan numbers are at? (I know about the info number.)

Seems about 2 weeks early for this. Hoping the birds don't fly over.
Water is probably still open. Swans have been around in small flocks for a while now. Haven’t seen or heard any snows.
Some of the smaller ponds were freezing up Thursday morning. After being near single digits tonight, it will probably freeze over. I think I'm going to have to eat my tag again due to this early freeze, work, and the amount of people and my lack of wanting to hunt near anyone else. There were some snows in the area. I shot two in mid October. A lot of swans on smaller ponds as well but those are going to be froze over as well. Good luck though, hopefully it works out for you.
I've never had a swan tag until this year and never hunted them, but I was thinking about taking a drive over to Freezeout today just to see what's going on over there and such.
Things are pretty icey now.

Pile of swans on the diversion lake below Gibson. Snows on the move.
Snows and swans were pouring through Dillon Sat....usually an indicator of ice at freezeout
Things were pretty much froze up the one time I had the swan tag and hit Freezout. There were still a number of swans hanging around on that last few holes of open water. Managed to knock a Juvie down and had the dog retrieve it on the ice. Had a 30' check cord on the dog when I sent him, and a plan in place just i case the ice didn't hold. But it was solid, and he made a good retrieve.
The Freezout office phone recording says it is completely froze over. I missed my chance at using my swan permit as well.
Saturday 11-4-17 there were thousands of Geese (white & dark) flying over the Sun River Game range headed south.


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