PEAX Equipment

Flying with meat


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2014
Hey guys-
I've got to take a about 20lbs of meat to L.A. next week. My plan right now is just to wrap the frozen packages in some leak-proof bags, wrap those in an insulated bag, encase that in my clothes (that I'm not wearing), and all of that goes in the suitcase that I'm going to check.

Any suggested revisions to that plan? Or general advice?

Should work just fine. You can add it to your carryon as well. I've taken a small cooler full of frozen fish without any problems.
Given all the restrictions on flying with this and that, I was very surprised about how easy it is to fly with meat. A cheap Coleman cooler and some duct tape got me from Alaska to MA about as easy as can be, and the meat hadn't begun to thaw.
Hey guys-
I've got to take a about 20lbs of meat to L.A. next week. My plan right now is just to wrap the frozen packages in some leak-proof bags, wrap those in an insulated bag, encase that in my clothes (that I'm not wearing), and all of that goes in the suitcase that I'm going to check.

Any suggested revisions to that plan? Or general advice?


I transport/fly frozen fish and freshly killed waterfowl the same way. No problems.
If you are flying with game meat, may I suggest that you have at the very least some info regarding the source of your meat: a copy of the permit/tag, date of kill, copy of your hunting license etc etc as a "just in case someone wants to go all legal" on you.
I used to fill an insulated tote full of salmon from our summer fishing trip for my parents each year. They would bring it on as a carry on. We would fill the tote half full of vacuum packed salmon filets, add a hockey puck sized piece of dry ice, and then fill with fish to the top. Tape the lid closed with duck tape and they were good to go. I also sent a copy of our license information and a copy of the airlines transportation recommendations with them. They never had a problem and the fish was still rock hard frozen when they got home.

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