PEAX Equipment

Firing pin malfunction


New member
Nov 15, 2013
Went hunting with a John Daly 20 gauge aluminum camo shotgun I had bought 10 years ago. When I first bought it, it never missed fired. When rabbit hunting this year, the gun would not fire. The primer on the shell was struck as I could see what I thought was a reasonable enough dent in it when inspecting it. I took the gun apart. I could see where the hammer hits the back end of the pin. There is just a fraction and I mean barely a noticeable fraction of wear in the hammer.....My question to anyone out there with some gun smith knowledge, is do you think this enough to cause the problem? Or what else can it be? Any quick remedies? Thanks in advance for any response.
As above, try cleaning the inside very good, and try different ammo.

If that doesn't work, take a look at replacing the hammer spring.

Only if all of these (cheap) remedies fail, look at replacing the hammer and pin.
Jr. Young- I cleaned it best I could. Thank you

Cowboy-I did but am going to try one more different brand. Thank you also

A-con- The hammer is kind of loose and wobbly, I'm not sure if it is suppose to be like that. It' striking the primer but obviously not enough. Thanks
Did you snug everything up good when you reassembled? It sounds like you have a slight headspace issue.

Check this, check ammo, and start with the hammer spring. Also, check your firing pin and make sure the tip hasn't been broken off or worn down.
When I ran a 20ga, I had fairly frequent issues with misfires on fairly reputable ammo. Especially in cold weather...

Two more questions... How cold was it when it started misfiring? And What sort of lube is being used on the firing pin spring?
When I saw John Daly as the brand, I assumed there was beer and cig ashes throughout the firearm and perhaps a golf ball involved.

Charles is better behaved. I agree on testing with other ammo. Was it very cold when you shot the gun and had the issues? Oil can get thick in cold weather and may have resulted in the firing pin not moving smoothly so did not strike the primer as forcefully as would on a warmer day. Saw a BAR freeze up on an elk hunt and let the guy borrow my Mod 70 after I tagged out.
Sorry for the John Daly, I was traumatized by the pants he has been wearing on the tour. It was about 20F outside...... The hammer is wobbly. I don't know if they are suppose to be like that or not. I will breal down some other shotguns and see if there is play in the hammer (loose). Doesn't appear to be the way it is suppose to be. Thanks for input guys.

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