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Fire kit


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
Im building a small kit to throw in my pack. I have char cloth, cotton balls with vaseline, magnesium stick with farro rod, and a lighter. Other than a bit of kindling what else is everyone using? My big question is what are you keeping it in? I want waterproof, durable, and small but not found a container i like yet.
I may need to add some char cloth or something similar to my kit. I put everything in an old prescription bottle that is waterproof. I glued a piece of sandpaper to the inside of the lid for the matches, lined it with newspaper, and then filled it with matches and a fire cube.
Wet fire cubes, lighter, and some REI weatherproof matches with the strike strip cut out from the box. Also have a 35mm film canister with cotton balls soaked in vasoline and magnesium powder. I have the same magnesium stick with rod that I took a file to and added the pieces in with the cotton balls. I keep my fire kit, foot care stuff, first aid and personal hygiene kit in an Outdoor Research backcountry organizer. I think mine is the medium. That thing is awesome and saves me from have multiple ziplocks in my pack.
I am over the top with fire kit. But ive been in the situation where it's now or never and we may never get outta here unless we get one going. I have 2 fire blocks, bass wood, cotton soaked in vaseline, 2 lighters in kit, keep one on me, matches and usually have fuel...... when I had a boat or raft pretty much had the same thing just a lot more of it and a mapp gas torch. Had a guy go in the water shooting ducks once when it was negative out and if you wanna see some serious shit that's when it's going down.
Changed me forever....... I'll gladly carry .5lbs extra for fire gear.
I keep matches, 2 lighters, and a ferro rod in my kit, as well as some quick tinder.
Magnesium fire starter, mini bic lighter, a couple fire cubes, dryer lint plus a small packet of fire starting gel from the military. All goes in a ziploc that goes into a small waterproof envelope.
I don't do much in the mountains anymore, but I vac sealed my fire kit-magnesium starter and vaseline cotton balls. I think that if I made more, I would mix dryer lint and vaseline.
I vacuum seal my fire starter stuff as well. Keeps stuff dry and compresses it to fit better. I also have a small candle or 2. You might add a couple sticks of Chap Stick. They are good as fire starters also and if your caught out over night in cold wind, they can help relieve dry cracked lips for better comfort. I really like things that have more than one use.
Thanks for all the great tips so far. I see that my kit wasnt to far out of line, but also see that it can be improved. Hopefully I never need it in a pinch but its good to have.
I like everything in my pack to serve more than one purpose. So, instead of vaseline I carry a small tube of antibiotic ointment (not cream) like Neosporin that works for both first aid and for fire starting. For late season hunts, I add a small sealed bottle of 91% rubbing alcohol that can soak into damp wood to start it burning, and the fumes seem to catch a spark very easily. It can be diluted for use as antiseptic too.
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Pitch wood shavings, strike anywhere matches, newspaper and extra lighters. Like the idea of the mini road flares and vacuum sealing the whole kit instead of baggies...

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