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Filthy Poachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Mar 21, 2012
Went up scouting this morning for next week's Coast Rifle Elk opener...found a nice fresh gut pile and 4 Elk legs. :mad:

Unreal. And if that weren't enough, I posted my findings on my Facebook and can't believe the people that justify it as "someone in need trying to feed their family" etc etc

If I need money, does that justify me to rob you to get it? :confused:

Poaching is STEALING.
The responses are simply the results of the Democratic party's increasing welfare programs whereby it's become perfectly fine for the lowlife scum of the country to steal from the working class taxpayers on a daily basis. If the imposter in chief gets re elected on Tuesday, we can expect the thuggery and robberies to increase.

Then again, in certain parts of the country, some old timers have never recognized the right of any governmental agency to set hunting seasons and limits. This is especially true in Appalachia, where low income, and strong feelings of pride, prohibit truly needy individuals from seeking or accepting any type of assistance, whether it's private or government handouts.

I'm quite certain that when the day comes that the anti-hunting organizations have managed to stop all legal hunting in this country, many of us shall resort to breaking the law and we will be considered poachers for hunting in violation of the law.
Partisan politics and poaching that's a new stretch. There is no justifiable poaching especially when government subsidizes food as much as they do to keeps costs artificially low....but those handouts tend to come from the other side of the isle.
Went up scouting this morning for next week's Coast Rifle Elk opener...found a nice fresh gut pile and 4 Elk legs. :mad:

Unreal. And if that weren't enough, I posted my findings on my Facebook and can't believe the people that justify it as "someone in need trying to feed their family"

If they were "someone in need trying to feed their family" why did they leave some of the best meat around just sitting there to rot. No, just some idiot thief. And politics has nothing to do with it, we all know that there are thiefs on both sides of the political isle.
The responses are simply the results of the Democratic party's increasing welfare programs whereby it's become perfectly fine for the lowlife scum of the country to steal from the working class taxpayers on a daily basis. If the imposter in chief gets re elected on Tuesday, we can expect the thuggery and robberies to increase.

Then again, in certain parts of the country, some old timers have never recognized the right of any governmental agency to set hunting seasons and limits. This is especially true in Appalachia, where low income, and strong feelings of pride, prohibit truly needy individuals from seeking or accepting any type of assistance, whether it's private or government handouts.

I'm quite certain that when the day comes that the anti-hunting organizations have managed to stop all legal hunting in this country, many of us shall resort to breaking the law and we will be considered poachers for hunting in violation of the law.

Every time I read one of your posts, dueling bango's plays in my head.
I get so tired of this myth about people poaching to feed their families. How many of these people that need to poach for meat have the expendable funds for 1) gas in their truck to go poach, 2) beer to drink whenever, 3) cigarettes to smoke.

Time and again I hear this justification, and it is such a crock! People will routinely laugh and look the other way about the "local deer season" for folks that need the meat. "Oh well, I guess so and so needs the meat to feed his family". What a joke.....
It could be worse, I could sound like Jose and the bandwagon for Obama!

Like I said, it's attitude, and attitudes have been changed due to the I'm entitled mentality, as far as the responses that were described in the original post. I never said that the welfare scum was responsible for the poaching itself. The second part of my reply was simply providing a historical picture of how some parts of the American culture view the game laws......not making excuses for their actions. As for the third part, I merely pointed out a potential scenario based on what people like the Center for Biological Diversity, PETA, HSUS, and the Sierra Club would love to see take place in this country; and what the potential results might be for those of us who actually do hunt for food and not trophies.

If that brings up the strains of Dueling Banjos, then maybe there are some other deep seated psychological problems that may need to be dealt with!!!!:cool:
If they were "someone in need trying to feed their family" why did they leave some of the best meat around just sitting there to rot.

Sounded more like just the leg bones, not the whole quarters the way I read it. Hopefully it was at least not wasted.
I know folks who poach from their land to eat. I look the other way. That way they are less likely to call in the feds when I'm harvesting my hooch!! joke
Sounded more like just the leg bones, not the whole quarters the way I read it. Hopefully it was at least not wasted.

You are correct. Legs from the knees down. Called it into to Oregon State Police TIP line.
Now its just waiting, and praying that the Elk we have been watching since August are still around next week....
You are correct. Legs from the knees down. Called it into to Oregon State Police TIP line.
Now its just waiting, and praying that the Elk we have been watching since August are still around next week....

God job calling it in, way to many people wouldn't have. You never know what might come out of it.

Good luck when the season opens.
This is a huge crock of SHIT!

rhomas said,

Then again, in certain parts of the country, some old timers have never recognized the right of any governmental agency to set hunting seasons and limits. This is especially true in Appalachia, where low income, and strong feelings of pride, prohibit truly needy individuals from seeking or accepting any type of assistance, whether it's private or government handouts.

They think they arent seeking or accepting assistance but have ZERO problem stealing from the state they live in via poaching. Poaching is NO DIFFERENT than stealing or taking welfare. Period.

Those Appalachian douchebags can take their "pride" and shove it up their low-income welfare asses. Maybe if they quit marrying their sisters and found an education their income would increase.
It seems that some folks just overlooked the obvious point. How many of us will be considered poachers and thieves, when the anti-hunting groups finally succeed in eliminating all hunting in this country? I certainly don't condone poaching, any more than I condone welfare handouts; but, I also know that when the day comes that it's illegal for me to kill a deer to feed myself and Travis, or whatever the next generation may be, I will not abide by their laws........just as I will never give up my guns when the UN comes for them!!!!!!!!

Crawl on out of the bunker for some reality and fresh air.

Hunting is a multi-billion dollar industry, a mega-industry on all counts. Money trumps emotion...every single time. Always has...and always will. The only good thing about the commercialization of hunting is the clout it packs financially and economically.

Your fear of anti-hunting groups is just slightly more laughable than your fear of losing your firearms/UN.

You've swallered wayyy too much kool-aid.
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