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Field & Stream on outdoor TV clowns

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This topic has been hashed and re-hashed with the string of TV poachers this year. Even so, Thomas McIntyre has a good piece in F&S on the clown show known as outdoor TV -

Evidently "The Nuge" is no longer one of the untouchables and folks see him for the pox that he is. In the past, to criticize Nugent brought down the wrath of hell. Either McIntyre and F&S don't care about the blow back, or the old guard is tired of defending the dipchit.
This was a really well-written piece, and I am glad to see it in Field and Stream.

There was a Meateater podcast a while back, and I can't remember who with, but Steve and his guest were talking about poachers, and unethical hunters who shine a negative light on hunting.

Basically the guest said something like, "Hunting is my religion, and those guys are pissing in the baptismal fountain." It's good to see a movement that's interested in cleaning house.
Wow! Thomas McIntyre laying it on the line! He'll either be hailed as heroic for truth telling or crucified by others in the industry for being "divisive". I hope it's the former. I just watched part of another video where a hunting "hero" head shoots a game ranch whitetail doe with a .50 BMG. He apparently then tries to explain how he actually missed the doe and the vortex of the bullet flying past sucked the deer's eyes out. (I say apparently because I couldn't watch any more and was reading the feedback in the comments section.) Of course, said "hero" espouses the need of all hunters to stick together in the face of antis so we don't loose our hunting rights.

I don't know if I have appropriate words to describe this type of behavior.
McIntyre is a good one and I like that article as well. Not sure if he still does, but his back page stuff in Sports Afield was the first thing I'd read with any new issue.
Worth the read! Note that the ethics of many thousands of hunters never make it to the public eye, but these scumbags wind up representing the sport in the opinions of those who oppose hunting.
I've been really liking many of the newer articles that Field & Stream has been publishing. It seems like in addition to this sort, they have really flipped a switch on the public lands issue as well. It's a little late to the game, but definitely welcome!
Yup no room for those guys. Hopefully it has a similar backlash as the scandals in Hollywierd.

Other than my kids and family being outdoors is my passion. I would never want to do anything that would take that away from me, because of this I have a great relationship my the local CO's in both counties I hunt in. If I have a borderline question I call them. I do hate that a lot of game laws seem to be written in Grey or are not published in a way that can be easily found.

I couldn't imaging trying to film a show and staying up on the game laws of multiple states. Good thing Fin is an accountant which is close to being a lawyer otherwise I would hire one to go along with him if I was him.
+1. Glad to see us policing our own. I hope the days of over the top, self-grandazing victory dances soon end as well.

Maybe send these guys one of Posewitz's books, BigFin.
These aren’t decent people making unfortunate mistakes, these are unethical, arrogant, profanity laced loudmouths who will never change their habits or their lack of character. Watch Fresh Tracks and Western Hunter and get a glimpse of what character, humility and decency look and act like.
Good stuff.

The boys over at MM and 24 hour will have their heads spinning with the mention of Uncle Ted’s wrong doings in this “liberal rag.”
I'm just glad someone finally called out the poaching, high fenced shooting, crazy Uncle Ted!
I just watched part of another video where a hunting "hero" head shoots a game ranch whitetail doe with a .50 BMG. He apparently then tries to explain how he actually missed the doe and the vortex of the bullet flying past sucked the deer's eyes out.

Off topic, I saw that video and it was a gimmick- Impossible. Google BMG shots on youtube to learn more.

Oh yeah, Agreed- Ted's time has come and gone.
Wow! Thomas McIntyre laying it on the line! He'll either be hailed as heroic for truth telling or crucified by others in the industry for being "divisive". I hope it's the former. I just watched part of another video where a hunting "hero" head shoots a game ranch whitetail doe with a .50 BMG. He apparently then tries to explain how he actually missed the doe and the vortex of the bullet flying past sucked the deer's eyes out. (I say apparently because I couldn't watch any more and was reading the feedback in the comments section.) Of course, said "hero" espouses the need of all hunters to stick together in the face of antis so we don't loose our hunting rights.

I don't know if I have appropriate words to describe this type of behavior.

Ol high fence Keith Warren, no surprise.
He'll either be hailed as heroic for truth telling or crucified by others in the industry for being "divisive".

If any of the latter takes place by others in the "industry", I hope McIntyre wear's it as a badge of honor - considering who those "others" in the industry would probably be.
Zumbo was right ten years ago, only he caved to the "industry", I think even hooking up with Nugget to get "corrected".
These a-holes have never been a positive anything......

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