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To me, one of the scariest things in the backcountry can be falling trees. I took a trip through the Scapegoat Wilderness a few years ago and a big windstorm kicked up in the middle of the night. A huge tree was falling every few minutes and we huddled in the tent hoping one wouldn't land on us.

As you know I did pretty much the same MT hunt solo for several years. That much time alone in the wilderness can be mentally taxing, but it sounds like you are prepared for it.

I brought an ipod with me as well. It really helped cheer me up when I was feeling down.

I was usually pretty tired by bed time and I typically had no trouble sleeping. That is until I had a large bear tear into my pack about five feet from my bivy sack in the middle of the night. I guess my yell was scary enough to convince him to drop my pack and run off about twenty yards. He did spend the next half hour or so doing a half circle around me huffing and pounding the ground with his front feet.

Here are a couple of the many bears I encountered on my sheep and goat hunts in that area

Well, just going over the maps for my sheep hunt.

Intimidating to say the least...

Years ago having read numerous Louis L'Amour books talking about the most fearful thing in the wild was a quiet, sneaky ass mountain lion. Since moving here to Montana, that unknown became my fear when I am in the wild. Especially accentuated when I recently read this article - Biologist Says Mountain Lions Are Watching.
My biggest fear is bumping into a Grizz. I hunt by myself and hike a lot of miles during the day. I carry bear spray and a 45 sidearm. I was in an archery shop last year and we were talking about the increase in the number of Grizz encounters in our area. I mentioned what I carried. The archery shop guy asked me if the bear spray was for the bear and if the 45 was for me if it didn't work.
Get an orthotic lift...for one boot.;) As my dad stated often..".better get your mind right son."