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Father and son Wyoming antelope questions

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Hey guys, I'm looking for some advice/guidance. I've never hunted antelope before and my father has never hunted out west. I currently have 4 points and he has none. I would like to split them with him, so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on a decent unit that takes 2 points for a rifle hunt? He will be 69 next year and is in good shape for his age, but he wouldn't need to do a hunt that was too strenuous. I also have a son that will be 7. I would like to take him along. Is that a good idea? It seems like a good way to get him involved on a hunt. I just don't know how many more opportunities the three of us might have to hunt together and thought this would be a hunt that we would always remember. Feel free to PM me if you have any info that you might not want to share on this thread. Thanks!
I cant offer any help as far as a unit to draw goes, but i can offer advice about taking your son. My advice is to take him. Don't t plan on it being a very physical hunt and dont plan on trying to make it a trophy hunt. The trophy will be the memories of 3 generations hunting together even if the harvest is only average sized goats. Your kids schedule will only get busier and busier with school amd sports so do this now. No better hunt for kids than a wy antelope hunt. He will love it. If you scroll thru old posts you will find plenty of pics of kids much younger than 7 on these hunts.
^Great advice. Thanks. My grandfather was a hunter and he died when I was 5. What I wouldn't give to have been able to hunt with him just once.
I cant offer any help as far as a unit to draw goes, but i can offer advice about taking your son. My advice is to take him. Don't t plan on it being a very physical hunt and dont plan on trying to make it a trophy hunt. The trophy will be the memories of 3 generations hunting together even if the harvest is only average sized goats. Your kids schedule will only get busier and busier with school amd sports so do this now. No better hunt for kids than a wy antelope hunt. He will love it. If you scroll thru old posts you will find plenty of pics of kids much younger than 7 on these hunts.

Great advice right here; gear the whole hunt around fun w/ your father & son and you'll never regret it!

My son and I did exactly what you're talking about in 2010 and we're both HOKKED on western road trippin even as he has grown...



I'll never regret setting aside my desire to hit it HARD in favor of making it fun for him!

Best of luck to you!

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