Caribou Gear Tarp

F&G reformers file petition for ’04 ballot

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"A group of sportsmen is trying once again to change the way Fish and Game commissioners are appointed and make them more immune from politics."

Changes were made in it to negate some of the most ridiculous criticism of the last initiative. Now the only reason to oppose it is if you're anti wildlife and anti F&G. So let's hear what criticism some of you can think up now! You're either with us or against us on this one.

Ithaca did we find something to agree upon
It is the short version I know, but these budgets should be left out of the politicians hands...Good post!!!
Ok, you want to hear how our Wildlife Commission is chosen? Really, you should read this. It's good!

The eight voting commission members are unpaid volunteers who represent five different districts in Colorado. They are appointed by the Governor from each of the following groups: livestock producers, agricultural or produce growers, sportsmen or outfitters, wildlife organizations and boards of county commissioners. The remaining three commissioners are appointed from the public at large.

At least 3 of the 8 must be from the West Slope. This is ridiculous...wildlife regulation affects the West Slope much more than the Front Range.

Ok, of our 8 commissioners, obviously two are going to be in the Ag business, representing the livestock producers and agricultural interests. I won't mention those below. But, you might be surprised to see who has been appointed to some of the other spots!

This is directly from their web site:

Marianna Raftopoulos
Represents: County Commissioners
"She and her husband, John, operate a sheep and cattle operation near Craig."

Phil James
Represents: Public at large
"He is currently senior and executive vice-president for two divisions of ConAgra Inc."

Olive Valdez
Represents: Public at large
"She is self-employed in livestock and gravel operations. She is president of the Farmer's Union local in Antonito, Colorado."

So, five of the eight voting members of our wildlife commission make their living in the ranching/farming business! Where do you think their priorities lie?

Look for yourself if you want:

fact of life.....get your sportsmen and women organized. Nearly everyone else is in some org or another, businesses in town have several=rototary, elks, eagles, lions, CC, Kiwanas, has so many and several that overlap, water districts, weed disticts, roads, breeds, unions, co-ops.
What do sportsmen have? TNC? SMD? REMF? Blue ribbon coalition? Not much, because you're all bitching about how someone else took your whatever. Sportsmen tend to think that they throw money to RMEF or their local DU, TU, whatever is good enough, BUT ITS NOT good enough. You guys are lucky to get organized into a group of one without a bunch of bitching and backstabbing.
I saw the petition in Coeur d' Alene @ the Horn show last weekend. Sounds good.

I saw the Citizens Against Poaching truck & trailer too. That's impressive.
This time we have to go for it , each and everyone will have to get out and work our butts off..get talking h2m

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