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Expertise expert experience

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Feb 6, 2017
Do you have to be an expert hunter to have an opinion?
Is all information written in outdoor mags, books and all state statistics, and record book entries worthless information for planning a hunt?

Maybe you gotta have a cool form name like super wapiti Wacker and stacker to have an opinion on elk hunting.
I think I should be able to put my two cents in if I want to try to help someone out or if I just want to.

I've been told that if you've never hunted a state then you don't have the right to voice an opinion on anything that you hunt there.

I personally feel my time is better spent trying to help someone if I think I can.
Some apparently disagree.

Maybe a hunt forum is here just for sad people to look for someone to try and argue with or piss off just for fun.
Maybe we can all learn from what others think . Even if we disagree with their opinions.

My opinions are based not just on personal experience, but research done by talking to those that have experience and reading various articles written by some respected outdoorsman. A few posts from threads like those on these hunt forums have some great info also.

But it's all opinion.
An opinion based on what you know to the best of your knowledge is all anyone can give.

Too bad we can't always be right .
If I've given some one bad or incorrect info I apologise sincerely. But to my knowledge I have given correct and sincere opinions from what I know.

I don't and never will claim to be an expert.

Does that mean that my opinion doesn't matter?
Should we all be an accredited monster buck taking, 400 inch elk killing , all outdoor professors to be allowed to speak our mind on a hunt forum?
Maybe we should all take some type of test first.

What do you guys think?
Let's here your opinions.

Maybe we should spend our time surfing for misspelled words and bad Grammer.

Hope any misspelled word or unpopular opinion I've posted here or anywhere else hasn't ruined to many hunting carears out there.

What do you guys think?
Not stabbing at you Bob.
I have had a pm that I feel is very undeserving.
Though if your contious is bothering you.
Buy all means let it out.Ha,Ha
My skin is fine thanks.
You any kin to wapitiwilly?
Awful lot of wapiti people on these forums.

Hey, I like elk too. It's ok.
We're good.

People get twisted up if you post hunt units. They also get twisted up if you help somebody by explaining the draws, PP, any of that stuff, thinking it diminishes the chances of drawing "their tag". Randy posted some vids showing how he chooses hunt locations in a unit, and I'll bet he got lit up by a few people for it. He didn't mention states or units, just how he chooses locations.
Your right.
There are some twisted people on some of these forums.

I'm a little off myself! Ha,Ha

I just wanna help guys if I can.

There are no secret spots left in the world in my opinion.
Glad to see you guys kiss and make up. See this stuff on another forum, mainly over broadheads. I got a nasty PM from another Illinoisan when I helped out a guy with info on some public ground. The guy was pissed that I would suggest his hunting area to someone else. Oh well.
Heck, I'll take all the help I can get. It then up to me to decipher it and put it to use.
It is truly sad what some people will say to a guy on some threads.

If a person doesn't want to help or give information then no one is forcing them to post.
If they don't agree with any of my posts they are welcome to reply to the thread and say so.

A respectful or at least civil response should be directed to correcting info, not discrediting or humiliating a person.

We can and will disagree.

I sure think I have the right to voice my opinion just as much as anyone else. I sure think I can try to help whom ever when ever, and how ever I like.

There will be some that must just be ignored. A reaction to what they say is usually what they are looking for. Though others will send a pm. Probably to not show all their butt at the same time. I guess they sometimes are already a little shameful about what they are telling people and would prefer everyone not see that side of them.

We can all have a bad day though.
I can be caught at a bad time just as easily though.
We are still responsible for what we say, even if we don't think it can come back to us.

I believe it always does in the long run , at least.

I have never hunted in Wyoming and have been clear about that. Have never claimed to be a all knowing expert either.

Does not mean I can't give information about what others have told me and I believe to be true.
Lots of public information out there to wade through and I've sure done alot of that.
Happy to share that with people even if it makes others not so happy.

That's their parogative and also their problem.
I'm not going to be pushed around and forced to not do anything I feel is right.
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A lot of people on here have been hunting WY for a long time and have no problem correcting inaccurate info.
Hope a few stop by to see me while I'm out in the Shoshone National Forest this fall.
I'll have the coffee on for any that want to share the fire.

Good luck guys.
I can't agree more with everyone's statements on the subject. I'm relatively young (37) but have been fortunate/unfortunate (depending on how you look at it) to have experienced more life than people twice my age. That being said one of my grandfathers favorite sayings about people's opinions and experience sharing is "you can always learn something from everyone, even if it's what not to do or the wrong thing, it's still something to be learned". I haven't been a very active forum user for a very long time because of the typical internet arguments that come up. This forum and it's users seem to be a little more reasonable in that respect which is why I'm here now, hopefully it continues to stay like that.

I can say when I voice an opinion I try to back it up with supporting information as best I can to thwart issues, not always effective but it seems to help. I'm an amateur elk hunter in terms of experience and I haven't connected on one yet but places like this give me information that I feel help increase the odds of the day I finally do become successful. There's a lot to be said for mental confidence in the field, this place is a sure fire place to help each other obtain that confidence. For that I thank you and everyone else willing to share anything with good intentions.

I share what I can with the subjects that I have a lot of experience and have some subject matter expertise on, namely ballistics, shooting, gunsmithing and machinists based subjects and gear associated with them. I've used some of the best gear in the world, a lot of things not available to civilians and things years out from being available in some of the worst environments and critical situations imaginable and feel that experience gives me the ability to share and speak to subjects that can truly help someone, not just be successful but have a better experience doing whatever it is they're doing.
Yes siree, some people just have to be a jerk sometimes.
I have an otherwise we'll respected member that can't seem to stop sending me messages over a pm he sent me that I sure did not appreciate.
But I refuse to converse with those that would talk or treat someone with such disrespectful regularity.
I hold no personal grudges, even though some of what has been said is certainly not very nice and I won't lower myself to reply as he has in such a way.

This person has given helpfull advice to many here and on other forums. Not a good show of his true caracter I hope, in these recent messages he has sent to me.

Maybe he's having some troubles in life that has bittered his words.
I don't believe I deserve to be treated the way I've been in these recent PM's I've gotten.
But I don't hold it against him and they are just words after all. We can't let what people say get us bent out of shape so often.
Some people are just too critical on to many threads and it is silly.
It's just as silly to argue back and forth about it also.
Hope we can be more decent to each other in the future.
But I'm doing my best to help people if I think I can wether some like it or not.
I'm sure they will get over it one way or another.
This is interesting to me. We drew coveted tags never heard of hunt talk and found it joined asked specific area question got a little flack which I found humor in. Also in the same token we met a couple people who I consider friends and would help or supply my knowledge of an area or opinion. Just got to take it with a grain of salt and don't let them bother you. I figure most of the guys that say rude crap on here wouldn't say it to your face. We don't let the negative people bother us got to look past it there is some great guys on here. Good luck this fall
Some peoples lives are just boring man. So they pull their internet package out and try to swing it around sometimes. Dont worry about it. If someone takes advice on an internet forum, they need to take it with a grain of salt anyways.
Have placed the person in question in the ignore mode.
But there are to many guys messy up the good thing that this forum is and provides.
I have sure moved on from his remarks.
I have always ignored people like him anyway.

Looking forward to sharing stories and I for on this forum.

At least, with all the good people here.
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Have placed the person in question in the ignore mode.
But there are to many guys messy up the good thing that this forum is and provides.
I have sure moved on from his remarks.
I have always ignored people like him anyway.

Looking forward to sharing stories and I for on this forum.

At least, with all the good people here.

I think WapitiBob hit the nail on the head when he said you seem to have a very thin skin to be out on the internet when someone just mentions some of your information is incorrect regarding an area asked about and you go on these type of rants. I hope you have a safe and fun hunt up in F this year and wack a big one!
If that was all that topgun had said ,there would not have been anything to be upset about.

Regardless, it's all ok with me. His problem doesn't have to be my problem.
Still think your a knowledgeable person, and have certainly helped many people out there.

I'm sure you would not have talked to me the way you have in person.
Insulting my man hood, calling me childish, just silly.
But threatening to look me up out in Wyoming this fall to deal with me face to face, just because I refused to return your PM's is unacceptable behavior.
Especially for a gentleman that should know better than to try to bully someone they know nothing about.

What a shame.

Then to post as if you're the victim of a friendly statement,
What a lier.
Afraid you've lost a little more than my respect fella.
I still won't argue with you. But the facts are you are just a jerk.
My good nature can only take so much. So drop this personal problem you seem to have and move on with your life.
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A couple tidbits of friendly advice, worth what you paid for them:

1) Some people just act like pricks, expending mental energy on them is a fruitless endeavor
2) Always preface the advice you are giving with any qualifiers, i.e. it's second hand through a friend, you read it in Huntin Fool, from personal conversation with the local biologist, etc. You get the picture. You did state some absolutes as if you were a subject matter expert. No big deal, live and learn.

You're not the first to get a nastygram from said member, and you won't be the last.

Good luck on your hunt.
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