Evidence of Sex


New member
Jan 8, 2002
Boise, Idaho
A conservation officer (CO) comes upon a hunter who has a buck in the back of his truck. "Nice buck, let's see your license and tag."

Hunter: "License and tag? What's that?"
CO: "Oh, crimony! You don't know what a license and tag are? I'm sorry, I'm going to have to ticket you. Next year I will be watching you boy and you better have them both!"
Hunter: "Yes, sir! I'm sorry, I did not know."

The next year the CO follows the hunter and sure enough he gets a buck again.
CO: "Nice buck. Did you get a license and tag like I told you!"
Hunter: "Oh, yes officer. They are right here in my pocket."
CO: "NO! NO! You have to sign your license and place the notched tag on the animal! Now I'm going to have to ticket you AGAIN! You better read EVERY LAST RULE of the regulations because if this happens again next year, you will lose your hunting priveledges for life! Understand!?"
Hunter: "Yes sir! I will read every word and this will never happen again, I promise."

The CO follows the hunter on the third year and noices again that he get's a buck. As the CO approaches the truck, he notices a condom hanging out of the buck's rear.

CO: "Do you have your license and tag?"
Proudly the Hunter says, "Yes sir. My license is signed and the tag is properly notched and placed on the antler- see."
CO: "Good, it only took 3 years! Now what in the hell is that condom doing hanging out the rear end of this buck?"
The hunter quicly grabs the game regulations and says, "Right here. Page 14, rule 27, 'All evidence of sex must remain attached to the animal'."
AQ.... I usually take Pictures....

Here's a Little BUCK I got with the bow in that LATE 39 Unit archery hunt !!!


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