Elk Wisdom...


Active member
Aug 9, 2013
Greetings from Georgia. I recently purchased a combo license for Montana and was hoping someone might be able to give me a little direction for elk this upcoming archery season.

Based on the research I've done so far, it appears that the SW corner of MT might be best for me since I don't mind rough terrain and it appears to have a fairly consistent elk population. However, I also understand that this has probably narrowed my prospects to about 5,000 square miles or so....

That said I thought I'd ask advice as I'd hate to add to any existing problems (hunting pressure, private landowners, decreased elk populations, etc.), and give myself the best chance for success (hopefully, for a large/mature bull) this season. I'm not looking for any "secret spots". Just somewhere an honest guy (who knows how to hunt) can maximize his odds.

Thanks for any help!
Seems as though any of those areas in the SW corner will produce elk. Just keep moving till you find them, once you find them you can hunt them, then kill them. Best piece of elk hunting advice ive ever gotten anyways.
I figured as much, and exactly what I wanted to hear. Doesn't sound like there's any major tricks in your neck of the woods for someone who's willing to actually put the time in and hunt.

I plan on wearing out my boots for a few days in order for a decent shot. However, some of the talk I've been seeing on droughts had me a little worried. I don't care either way. I've wanted to make the trip for about 30 years, and it's going to happen this year.

Thanks for replying to my message. Good hunting & may God be with you in the woods.

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