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Elk packouts


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
What's the farthest you have packed out an elk on foot one way with no pack animal help?
6 miles. First half mile was gumbo 😖 but the rest was downhill. I still hurt the next day.
5 miles. One load each. But it was about as easy as could be, 90% was on a long gently sloping well maintained trail. The pressure on my hips was bad enough to cause some pretty bad bruising/bleeding.
About 2 miles, two trips with an elevation loss of 1500'. Been lucky to always have a downhill route out. Avoid uphill with a load at all costs.
Thinking about this topic reminded me of Gerald & I making 3.5mi trip into getting Olivia's bull we left broken down from the night before, and somehow before we left with a load and against my better judgment Gerald decides to drop a decent ;) bull. In all, pack trips stretched for 3days.
It felt like 10 miles but farthest has only been about 3 miles tops. Luckily they were cows and there were 3 of us packing. 👍
3.5 miles bro in law and I each killed bulls same spot 3 days apart. 1 trip each bull.
Farthest elk was in the 6-7 mile range, 4 of us & no packs to speak of, it was freaking brutal, of course this one was many moons ago!

Generally speaking we pack elk out in the 1-2 mile gps range. Most packouts are aprox 4-5 hours one way, it's brutal country! At 64 I'm not sure how much longer I can do it. I train my ass of at present but there comes a day!

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