Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Elk in Yellowstone Park

What Map

Active member
Jun 23, 2012
We don't see nearly as many elk along the roads in Yellowstone Park as we used to. In fact we don't see them anywhere in the Park, but some are still there. Here is a bull that caused a traffic jam. These pics were taken two weeks ago near the west side of the Lake.


Here's another picture. BTW, some of these bulls do leave the Park and can be hunted from time to time.


My wife Diane took the pics from the window of our truck.
Nice looking bull. I remember about 10 years ago when I went my first time and we say atleast 20-30 bulls each day. I have not been back since. Cant imagine not seeing the elk in Yellowstone. Nice pics.
We saw a few bulls in that general area a month ago.

Otherwise, cows and calves by Mammoth, Gardiner, and down off the road to the west entrance.

Definitely fun for the kids to see up close, but outnumbered by bison tremendously.
We saw hundreds all over the park(at least the half that was open), when we were there in late April. Just early signs of antlers...
What Map - We must have been rubbing elbows 2 weeks ago, check out the elk picture attached - same bull as the pic your wife took in Yellowstone. Yes, it was 2 weeks ago west side of the lake. Also, check out the other pic, thought you might like, I think it's cool. Caught these guys crossing the sand bar in the lake first evening in the park, there were 5 bulls total together. I actually saw lots of elk, but talking to other people they said it is in deed nothing like it used to be.
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thats awsome, those are huge fronts on the first one great bulls, fun seeing animals like that up close, or better off in your cross hairs
Elkolohic, we must have been right next to each other in our cars. I'm glad you saw at least some amount of elk. The counts in the northern Yellowstone herd are down from somthing like 20,000 to a few thousand.
Also, my understanding is the "sand bars" are really the old edge of the lake. The whole valcano is always moving around and the lake shifts a little and builds a new shore. The old shore is what the bulls are standing on. Anyone else know if this is true? If it is, it's a littel scary, eh? But Di and I figure if the thing blows again, it won't make any difference if I'm in the Park or in Bozeman, we're toast!

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