Colorado apps aren't due until the first of April or so. The regs usually don't come out until the first week of March. You don't have to apply for most tags here though, unless you want to hunt a cow.
How does the archery system work in Wyoming? I plan to scan the regs this week sometime. Looking for a good out of state elk hunt this year. Any ideas for states other than Idaho? I'll trade info
Bulldown.......Wyoming has a friendly system for archers.
You can apply for a limited archery only tag, or just get drawn for the general statewide tag (about 30-40% odds)and you are allowed to hunt archery as well as rifle on the same tag....running some 3 months in some areas. You can go afield with your bow September 1rst........then the rifle starts in most areas around October 1rst.......and runs into late November.
Thanks DS! I will look into it further. Right now, I know I'm putting in for deer in Wyoming with my hunting group. I'm still contemplating that AR301 tag in UT. The thing I'm hung up on is that the hunt goes from 8/15 to 9/14. The rut in Idaho doesn't start until the 3rd or 4th weekend in September and usually runs through the first week of October.
I would hate to drop $483 on a UT bull tag and not hear an elk bugle! Need to do some more research on this...and fast!