Caribou Gear Tarp

EDITED: Artifacts found while hunting / hiking?

Working for the Forest Service we were told that anything 50 years or older was protected under the antiquities act and had to be left in the woods. So after I turned 50 all the youngsters on my crew would remind me to be extra careful because If I broke a leg they would have to just leave me there.

I always wondered, at what point does litter become an artifact.
I've found several flint arrowheads on private property. A few months ago I found a set of old hand forged logging chains on public land, I left them where they were.

Several years ago while fishing I came across a very old cemetery. Several flat rocks sticking upright out of the ground in straight rows. You could still make out the impressions in the earth where the graves were dug. There was one stone that was formed out of rough concrete, but the inscription had long since worn away.
Years ago we were messing around in an old mining cabin in the Ninemile area of western Montana. There was a pair of stagged (cut off) Filson tin pants that fit and I wore them for years. They were ancient when I got them but lasted for many more years. About two weeks later we were dispatched back up there with a fire engine to patrol the area after the Forest Service had gone back up to dispose of (blow up) a bunch of dynamite in the cabin that was deemed too unstable to move.. I’m glad we never found it !