Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Early Voting


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
The last time I Early Voted was just a day, or two, after was I notified that I would be deployed for Operation Desert Shield by the end of the week. Went to the county seat in Smithfield, NC and I was the ONLY person there to vote. The ladies at the office were surprised that I was even there, until I told them why and then they fell all over themselves to help me in any way they they could.
I went to my now county seat of Medina, OH, thinking I could get in a quick vote......100+ in line @ 10AM. It took an hour and even if it progressed slowly it went very well. I'm glad I took the time to vote my HELL F'N NO !
Do yourself a HUGE and don't wait. Do it In Person & Do it Now ! You'll thank yourself, I promise.
Political bullsnot aside, I’m glad to live in a state that has had universal mail in balloting for 20 years.
Whomever you vote for, exercise this fundamental right. If we don’t exercise this one, we can’t think the others will always be there for us.
As a guy who grew up in the country and now lives in a city, I believe that good, intelligent people can disagree and still not be disagreeable.
If you treat your fellow man well, contribute to society, and are not an a$$hole, you are my brother.
Looking forward to getting my ballot in the mail this week.

I'm happy to pay for a stamp so I do not have to stand in line. A much larger bonus is the ability to research the down ballot local candidates and issues and not have to try to remember what's what in the voting booth.

Montana also allows you to track your ballot to make sure it has been received.
Looking forward to getting my ballot in the mail this week.

I'm happy to pay for a stamp so I do not have to stand in line. A much larger bonus is the ability to research the down ballot local candidates and issues and not have to try to remember what's what in the voting booth.

Montana also allows you to track your ballot to make sure it has been received.
Ballot tracking is a damn nice feature. Well done, MT!
my ballot is supposed to arrive in today's mail...been absentee voting for at least 10 years.

EDIT: It arrived not less than 10 minutes after this post. Filled in a bunch of bubbles with a black ink pen and sealed it up. It'll be in the mail tuesday
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Looking forward to getting my ballot in the mail this week.

I'm happy to pay for a stamp so I do not have to stand in line. A much larger bonus is the ability to research the down ballot local candidates and issues and not have to try to remember what's what in the voting booth.

Montana also allows you to track your ballot to make sure it has been received.
Same with FL. Don’t even have to buy the stamp.
Looking forward to getting my ballot in the mail this week.

I'm happy to pay for a stamp so I do not have to stand in line. A much larger bonus is the ability to research the down ballot local candidates and issues and not have to try to remember what's what in the voting booth.

Montana also allows you to track your ballot to make sure it has been received.
Pretty much identical intent and purpose.
Just got to California to visit kids and grandkids. Tried to vote by mail before we left but didn't receive the ballot in time do we will be back before election day.
Good thing cause I changed my mind on the way out. I know the exact moment. When I got clipped doing 94 mph.
De fund the Police.
I'm KIDDING about Defund.
I had it coming.
Dropped my ballot off the day it arrived in the mail. No lines and I can tune out all the election bullshit.
Mine still hasn't arrived in the mail. If it doesn't show up by mid week I'll go vote in person.
Pretty much identical intent and purpose.
A bunch of our friends and family have already voted. The state supreme court upheld the requirement for a witness signature on the outside of the ballot envelope. Glad they did that. My wife and I will probably do the same shortly, or we may wait till voting day and stand in line with the other Patriots. Haven't decided yet.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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