Yeti GOBOX Collection

E-Mail from Iraq


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
This is cut and pasted from an email I recieved from a very good buddy of mine. He worked for me when I was a supply sergeant in an engineer company. We served together in the first Gulf War. Both of us got out about the same time but he remained in the South Dakota National Guard. I am worried if he is worried as he is one of the most motivated, level headed guys I know. Pray for him, his wife and young son. Pray also for the men in his unit. God bless our troops.


Hi guys,

I try to keep everyone informed of what is going on here and things are not good. We have lost control of both Felluja and Ramadi now, we are getting our butts kicked over here. The biggest problem is now that we have turned control over to the Iraqi government and the Baghdad prison is a constant thorn in our butts. The politicians have tied our hands and we darn need have to be engaged in hostile fire before we can shoot back.

The men are doing good, but they (and me) are scared of what is to come. The attacks at Iskandayria are all too fresh in our minds. We are currently sending patrols into Ramadi and every time we go there, we take fire. Thus far, we have not been hurt too bad, but our odds go down every day. Last week, our company got hit with 5 road side bombs and 1 car bomb. Had to fly one of our platoon sergeants out and 5 others were treated and sent back to their platoon. It is getting down right nasty. The company that is housed across the street has been here 2 weeks and lost their first guy a couple days ago. He was shot in the head during an ambush. The biggest shame is that he was only 18 years old and had only been in the Army for 4 months. He just got out of basic training and they sent him here. The poor kid didn't know anything, hell he probably didn't know what to do when they got hit.

Two days ago, the insurgents shot down another helicopter about 4 miles from here. It was shot down with a SR7 ground to air missile and we had confirmation of three more launches yesterday. My question is this, where the hell are they getting this stuff? This stuff is high tech weapons and cost some major dollars. I know that they are smuggling a lot of it in through the desert from Iran, Jordan and Syria, but why can't we catch them?

It looks like I might get a leave slot coming up toward the end of October or the first of November time period. I told Stephanie and she is very excited about it. Can't wait to see Stephanie and Brody. Brody is growing like crazy, it is hard for me to even think that I left home when he was 9 months old and won't get back home until he is over 2 years old.

Need to keep running, hope you are fine.

SFC Burgy

Thanks for sharing the post. Reading/hearing about it at the personal level is always eye opening.

Hope he makes it back to see his kid and wife soon.
I get emails from Iraq similar to that too. I can't even begin to imagine being able to face a reality like that. Those are some brave men we have over there. Stay safe boys.

Thanks for sharing Jeff. Man just 18- was still a kid and didn't leave long enough to enjoy being a man. Things like that (with three kids of my own) break my heart.

My best to your friend and his family- may they ALL some home soon and safely.
We have lost control of both Felluja and Ramadi now,
My friend Doug called his dad about ten days ago and said the same thing. The Iraqi military they put together to "keep the peace" in Fallujah has been disbanded and he said they were going have to retake the ground they had already taken when they were told to pull out. This means more marines will go down to take an objective they had already finished. Not good.
Man, that's really hard to read and not get upset. I totally detest the fact that poloticians have so much say in how things are run in time of war rather than the military. Along with that I about half wish we had declared war on the news media as well. They get their jollies reporting about some low-life bastards that were humiliated in some photographs, while the enemy cuts off heads, kill babies and women, and boast of their sick behavior. It is fricken WAR for hell's sake. Get in there do what has to be done without worrying who we offend and GET OUT! I truly hope your friend is joined with his wife and kid soon.