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Dubya Courts the Hispanic Vote....Hey CJ, this is funny


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
In another great photo op, Dubya tries to connect with the common $7.50 per hour laborer, bragging about the quality of the job....

Do you want more evidence that Bush has nothing more than photo opportunities and empty rhetoric for the Hispanic community? Take yesterday's event in Bay Shore, NY. Standing on a stage behind a sign that said "Strengthening America's Economy" and surrounded by Hispanic workers, Bush spoke about the benefits of his tax plan. But as Paul Vitello reports in Newsday, it turned out that very few in the crowd probably understood what the President was saying.

"I understand him a little bit English," said Nubia Guzman, a packer who said she earns $7.50 an hour after four years on a job that Bush had described in his speech as evidence of the success of his tax cutting economic policies. She has no health coverage.

What did you like about him? she was asked.

"He nice," she said.

This may be all that matters in the long run. The candidate who wins is usually the one people like the look and sound of, not the one they have listened closely to. In this particular crowd, anyway, there were probably few voters. Of those who spoke English, few said they were registered.

Now that polls have confirmed that Bush has made no inroads among Hispanic voters, he has decided that it's safer for him to speak in front of audiences that don't understand what he's saying — lest they decide to confront him on his failed record and broken promises to the Hispanic community.
Yea Gunner that is pretty funny [sad] but funny, maybee he should try speaking spanish to them, to bad for him and Kerry, most of these people are probably illegal and don`t/won`t vote anyway!, 4 years and the women can`t speak english/ sad very sad. Should be funny over the next 8 months watching Bush/Kerry speaking "butcherd spanish" trying to get votes.
What's wrong Elkgunner; jealous!! :D Did you really think that GW only cared about your vote?? :D You know if you liberals would get off your butts and make Spanish mandatory as a second language in our schools we wouldn't have this problem!! :rolleyes:
Actually, it is pretty clear, by Dubya's lousy record on Hunting and Fishing issues, that he doesn't care about my vote. That is the entire point.

Luckily, you non-hunters don't have that problem with Dubya.

And Dubya doesn't call it Spanish, he likes to refer to the language as "Mexican".

And I think there are schools that are working toward having Spanish be the Primary language in them, so we won't have the problem.
Hey great!! Then you can act like an ass in two languages!!
Sorry to hear that Bush doesn't share your concern for hunting and fishing issues. I guess he has more on his mind then how to piss away his leisure time; say why aren't you out scouting for turkey today Bwana??? :confused:
GW has more hispanics in cabinet and sub-cabinet appointments than in all previous administrations combined. He also has more minorities in his administration than any of his predecessors.

Just a guess here, but GW talking to hispanic day laborers on the east coast is more representative of an attempt to reach out beyond the Texas-Mexicans he's familiar with, than a cheap attempt to make inroads into the so-called "hispanic vote".

This came off as pandering because the Republicans continue to suck at PR.
Man Gunner you sure do have a "hard on" for GW Bush,the top 5 topics today are all anti-dubya. But actualy he [Bush] is right they speak mexican [at least around here. Spanish is a little different, but i can`t tell you how because i don`t speak yabba/dabba/do/ jibberish, but some mexican friends of mine say that its Mexican/slang/indian/spanish.

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