Drift Wood Collecting for Mounts


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2017
Friday after work I didn't have as much time as I liked to make it to nearby WMA for an evening hunt. I opted instead to make a run on river for drift wood that I had noticed the previous weekend while scouting. After Hurricane Harvey, the river was flooded and only recently when back down a couple weeks ago. One good thing from it is all the drift wood that is left hung up in log jams and in the woods.

I like to get what I can that would make good for a mount but find far more pieces than I have animals to mount (been holding on to one piece for two years until I can finally get the perfectly killed drake and hen wood duck). In the first pic the piece on the left was very interesting looking and I couldn't pass it up. It was part of a cypress tree that must have washed out from the side of the bank and was hung up mid way up another tree on the bank. The cypress knees of this piece would normally stick out the ground a few inches and the rest of the wood is a large root structure going back to the tree. Very interesting to see that there was more girth in this root piece than there was in the truck of the tree. The side shown in the picture has a couple knots sticking out of it, but the other side is smooth. I have no idea what I'll do with it yet but it was too pretty to pass up.

The piece next to it I gave to my land lord. Her and her daughter's family are neighbors and I'll give them most of the pieces I collect. They like to use it for plants. They'll add some potting soil with a little bit of netting for support and it make a nice flower bed. They've paid $50+ for small pieces to do this with so they're happy when I bring them these bigger pieces. This one should be good with the hollowed out U shape. I'll try to update with a pic when she has it established.

The pic of the piece of wood I'm holding is what I really came for. Cut it off the base of cypress hung up in a log jam. I have a small 8pt skull mount from last season, and hopefully in a few weeks I'll have another skull mount to add to it. One at the top and one at the boom. Should look good once it's up on the wall.
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Go back and get some more of that cypress wood. The mounts will look great I'm betting.
The log may be worth some cash or just some great lumber for projects.
Here is another skull and drift wood mount I currently have on the wall. Pretty cool knowing both the buck and the wood came off the same piece of land. Anyone else gather outdoor collectibles for display?


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Go back and get some more of that cypress wood. The mounts will look great I'm betting.
The log may be worth some cash or just some great lumber for projects.

That is a goal to one day be set up to more more wood working. For now limited to whatever collectible pieces that I can find.
I live in the desert southwest and about 20 years ago my wife found this piece while I was hunting. Too cool not to keep but for 2 decades I didn't know what I would use it for. Collected some Florida species recently and it clicked " Got the perfect piece" It's balanced perfectly to either hang on the wall or rest on a table.


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I live in the desert southwest and about 20 years ago my wife found this piece while I was hunting. Too cool not to keep but for 2 decades I didn't know what I would use it for. Collected some Florida species recently and it clicked " Got the perfect piece" It's balanced perfectly to either hang on the wall or rest on a table.

Very nice piece! Any idea what it came off of?
Oh yeah, I collect wood for mounts alot. I don't have any pics right now, but one of my favorite is the biggest buck I've killed mounted on an old moss covered fencepost I found with some old barbwire attached to it. I also have a lot of old cedar pieces laying around waiting on the perfect animal to go on them
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