Dont worry about the student loan forgiveness

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Tell me why as a guy that has busted his ass his whole life without " student" debt that this is ok. Maybe I am missing something. mtmuley
Ditto, no student loans here, paid cash for tech school prior to starting business. Then, lots of loans. Re-investing.
Discrimination! Frikken morons!
Done venting:(
If the government cut spending from stuff this, made people get back to work instead of living off unemployment and cut other pork barrel spending the US could offer the same level of healthcare treatment from the poor to the super rich.
If the government cut spending from stuff this, made people get back to work instead of living off unemployment and cut other pork barrel spending the US could offer the same level of healthcare treatment from the poor to the super rich.
What if I told you unemployment is back below pre-covid levels?
What college was this?
What major.
I would like 10k towards my “business loan” please.
You should be good, bro.

Didn't you go to Kenworth University, with a major in Commodity Transportation Strategies, and a minor in Typical Fuel and Maintenance Costs for Modern Heavy Equipment?

With additional classes in Nutritional Choices of Modern Travel Plazas and Primitive Dialects of Channel 19?

That ought to be worth 20 grand.
If this strategy is to buy votes, it might be better to look into a pool of voters who aren't already heavily leaning your way.

About as dumb of a strategy is getting your name in the signature line of a stimulus check.
The strategy is to gain back support from voters that are leaving him in droves......

This is actually brilliant. Basically a stimulus check but only goes to libs' most loyal ally: college educated apparatchiks. And TBH nobody should be surprised or angered by this since they literally campaigned on this issue! "Oh should we do the morally dubious thing we promised to do if we won? Obviously! Will it worsen inflation? Who cares?!?!"

Libs are just smarter and better at rationalizing their policies even if it craps on everyone else (that's an added benefit actually). Meanwhile cons are still distracted, whining about a douchebag losing an election 2 years ago. Sorry plebs:
I’m all for it. I say keep pouring gas on the inflation fire and plunge our economy back to the Stone Age. Hell, just give everyone a check for a million or 20. It doesn’t matter. In 3 years the people who like this will have starved to death because there’s no Avacado toast or Chipotle’s. I’ll just be wandering around like this. 1B132147-4BF1-4447-AB94-8B96B9AEE551.gif
Financial literacy needs to start in grade school...and there should be a financial app installed permanently on every smart phone.
Its already there. Even in our school district you can start taking personal finance classes as early as 7th grade. Problem is no one does. Those electives always have left-over spots. My kids have never been denied those classes due to being full. I get the kid not wanting to take those classes, but I guess my expectation that parents, parent is a little higher than my expectations of a 13 yr old. I suspect many of those parents that are fine with little Johnny signing up for Guitar instead of finance classes are many of the same who claim they were too naïve or mislead when applying for these loans. My patience for willful ignorance in the US is about gone.
I know a ton of people that weren't paying their loans during the deferment. I would venture to say most people haven't been paying. So that money has been going into the economy already. For the last several years.

It seems disingenuous to act like all of a sudden there's going to be this huge rush of new spending in the economy that's going to drive inflation back up. I think in reality, that's largely already happened and it's already cooked into the inflation we've been dealing with.
I would like to see banks and collages eat their own and be hit with limits. Payday lenders and loan sharks run the system.
I grew up with a system where you could put $ in the bank and get a 5% return. I took my $ out when they started charging you to bank.
I also would never have taken a large loan out to pay for a collage education.
I also joined up instead of taking the partial scholarship that a 3.9 gpa got me. I still have those 120 units I graduated HS with. But I also got 2 LEO degrees paid for me by my job,working as a LEO.

Burn the banks.
Yeah, blame the banks Hank. It’s always someone else’s fault, right? “Oh I wasn’t given any education on this” or “I didn’t know I was taking out a loan that would be hard to pay back”. Yet, you can watch a YouTube video on about anything else right now and learn to do it. Interesting times.
I know a ton of people that weren't paying their loans during the deferment. I would venture to say most people haven't been paying. So that money has been going into the economy already. For the last several years.

It seems disingenuous to act like all of a sudden there's going to be this huge rush of new spending in the economy that's going to drive inflation back up. I think in reality, that's largely already happened and it's already cooked into the inflation we've been dealing with.
Yeah no big deal. Just another $300b. Chump change.😂😂

The snow ball is picking up steam
Its already there. Even in our school district you can start taking personal finance classes as early as 7th grade. Problem is no one does. Those electives always have left-over spots. My kids have never been denied those classes due to being full. I get the kid not wanting to take those classes, but I guess my expectation that parents, parent is a little higher than my expectations of a 13 yr old. I suspect many of those parents that are fine with little Johnny signing up for Guitar instead of finance classes are many of the same who claim they were too naïve or mislead when applying for these loans. My patience for willful ignorance in the US is about gone.
I can remember taking it in middle school, learning to balance a check book, interest rates etc. Even without that class I'd like to think that at 18 years old if you don't understand how that works, things aren't looking to promising for your future regardless what degree your pursuing.
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