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DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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  • NO

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I see that Buzz and Fairy Boy Hoser haven't seen this yet..

Del, Can Gummer vote once for each of his alias's or is this somehow tied to IP addresses?

Tough question Del. I do support what they are trying to accomplish, but I am not sure if I really support a bunch of people taking it upon theirself to do this. I hope that it works though.
I agree there is a problem with illegal immigration...but the ONLY positive thing the minutemaids have done is draw some attention to the problem.

They arent going to stop illegal fact, they wont even slow it least not long term.

I dont really care either long as they dont get hurt, or hurt someone else.
Buzz your correct... but the publicity that we generate seems to be better than all of the letters,e`mails,calls to washington over the last 8-10 years...
One can find good in any situation. I support the minutemaid's accomplishment of all the publicity they generate as they help Arizona obtain the status of the state most associated with white supremecy groups, racists, and bigots. Supplanting Idaho as the state with that dubious honor.
WH, Didn't you know that a liberal's best friend is his ability to label other people? The more disgusting the label, the better they feel. Among thier favorites are bigot, racist, white supremacist, and a few other selective nouns and adverbs that are never far from thier lips. I often wonder why they don't get really nasty and call the minutemen lawyers..

I guess you're right Dan but it just makes no sense. How can somebody be supportive of something that is against the law and that has such a negative impact on this country? I'm just trying to understand how Jose can possibly feel the way he does and I just can't. I guess I never will. I mean does he really think if there were no illegals that there would be nobody else to mow the weeds that surround his double wide? :confused:

It is a poorly worded question, so I chose not to vote. Do I 'support' them? No, none of them are my kids, I don't support them. The real question is do you "support" the Minutemaids 200 Man White Trash March on the Dessert as an effective way of closing the border to illegal entry?

Or alternatively, "do you support their publicity stunt as an effective way of bringing attention to the issue"?

Or "do you support their efforts to obtain the title of "Arizona, haven for white trash"?

As far as "breaking the law", aren't there laws broken every day"? Some I care about, others I just don't get too worked up over.... Do you uphold EVERY law, EVERY day??? Be honest now, April 15 is coming up......
JoseCuervo said:

It is a poorly worded question, so I chose not to vote. Do I 'support' them? No, none of them are my kids, I don't support them. The real question is do you "support" the Minutemaids 200 Man White Trash March on the Dessert as an effective way of closing the border to illegal entry?

Or alternatively, "do you support their publicity stunt as an effective way of bringing attention to the issue"?

Or "do you support their efforts to obtain the title of "Arizona, haven for white trash"?

As far as "breaking the law", aren't there laws broken every day"? Some I care about, others I just don't get too worked up over.... Do you uphold EVERY law, EVERY day??? Be honest now, April 15 is coming up......

So let me get this straight. The only laws that matter, are the laws that YOU care about?

What is that old adage? Better to be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

Honestly, Gunner/Binbanned/Jose/Pedro...or whatever you feel like calling yourself tomorrow. Your banter, however eloquently you wish to wax, is like most Democrats. Insult your oponent, use childish names to demean the person you debate and treat everyone as if they're ignorant because you know what's best for everyone.

I don't post very often in SI because almost every topic is answered "tit for tat" regardless of truth or substance.

I'm proud to end my reply stating that I am indeed NOT a Republican, but a man that can think on his own and vote his conscience without toting anyones party line!
I think the only thing they have done was to force the crossings elsewhere. I heard that there are more crossings to the west of their posistion than before they set up camp.
Oh I forgot also that their mission was given a slap in the face about a week or so ago when the lettuce farmer bitched to the feds that all his migrant farm help was being sent back to mexico and that he was losing millions of dollars. Guess what, that check point south of his farms was closed so that the crops could be harvested. Bet cj didnt like that one....... but that is old news and I am sure I missed a post about how wrong it is to let this go on.
I just spent a week in Az., and stayed with some locals a few nights. The subject came on the evening news a couple of times, and all the commints I herd were positive. I support what they are doing.
Gummer, what does it matter if you call them racists ?
There is nothing racist about what they are doing. Their actions speak for them.
Jose, what are you saying...that I cheat on my taxes? I don't think so. Only took two deductions, my mortgage interest and my property tax. How many deductions did you take that you didn't deserve?