Yeti GOBOX Collection

Divorce, do you ever see it coming...

Huh. I thought that was the parents’ job. Also, BTW, I would argue that half of what is taught in public school, though not necessarily through explicit instruction, is how to be a decent, thoughtful person.

. When’s the last time you spent a day at a public school? You may know a great deal about old timey guns, but I’d say you’ve got no idea what goes on in public schools.

Obviously they didn't teach it in school or you flunked. My brother taught in the school district for 25 years, my son is the resource officer in the local school. Don't speak so loud about something you know so little about.
...Both points are correct. Too bad we can't teach that in our schools to help cultivate strong, selfless relationships that have real value.

As mentioned in both these posts, selfish, "live for today and don't worry about tomorrow" philosophies are being taught in our schools and society as well. Although it isn't a curricular subject, it is being taught in our schools that have become devoid of God and the Pledge of Allegiance.

I wouldn't trade growing up in the 1950s-1960s for anything our younger generations have to look forward to...
Search "divorce rates by generation" and see if anything supports your argument. It takes a shockingly narcissistic person to, like @shrapnel , open a thread about someone's difficult personal circumstances and do nothing but spout about how perfect their situation is. Pathetic.
Not sure I can get past the irony. Sounds a bit like a congressman complaining about the feds.

Except for I left. Couldn't stand the nonsense. I was always on the short end of opinion and paid dearly for it.

Trust me. It's beyond garbage.
Except for I left. Couldn't stand the nonsense. I was always on the short end of opinion and paid dearly for it.

Trust me. It's beyond garbage.
Thanks, but I'll pass. I know too many other people who I actually know and respect with contrary opinions.
divorce, do you ever see it coming,

21 years together, kid graduates and goes into military,,,, wife decides needs to be free,,, wonder what I missed,,,,

I had an insane ex-wife, and I’m not kidding. She was finally diagnosed bi-polar 1 with a personality disorder after years of abusing me and erratic behavior. I stayed with her due to my vows and my daughter... it damn near killed me. Once I bit the bullet after she had her 3rd long term affair, I was relieved. I gave it my all. I should have left earlier.

The point is that I ended up pretty damn broken, and needed to do a full rebuild. I did therapy, church, and more. Some of it was good and some was not. Find a great counselor that will be an objective truth teller. I needed it. I love my family and buddies, and I needed them on Team Nick. You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others.

I am the happiest I’ve ever been, but it took a metric shit ton of work. You can do it. This is another opportunity, make the most of it.

PS - I had a buddy that married her high school sweetheart... Three kids later he was bored and had never had an adventure. She didn’t see it coming, but when she looked back she saw signs. She really walked back through it and learned a ton.
18 years a public school teacher here. The modern nonsense being modeled and explicitly taught there is the killer.

Get your kids out of public schools.

I am a public school teacher. I teach respect every day. I take my kids out into the field monthly, and teach them that they leave “tracks” wherever they go. I teach them that they are part of a greater whole that they effect. I push them to wonder if it is positive or negative. Our entire school works to do this. Stop being an absolutist. This is one of the great problems of our society. It goes hand in hand with extremism. Maybe your experience sucked, or the school did, or district did, or maybe you weren’t meant to teach. I don’t know. I work every day to ask questions, and look beyond my first emotional reaction. The quality of life in our country is amazing and better than ever for most, but has a long way to go. The whole back in the day is BS for a huge portion of America.
I am a public school teacher. I teach respect every day. I take my kids out into the field monthly, and teach them that they leave “tracks” wherever they go. I teach them that they are part of a greater whole that they effect. I push them to wonder if it is positive or negative. Our entire school works to do this. Stop being an absolutist. This is one of the great problems of our society. It goes hand in hand with extremism. Maybe your experience sucked, or the school did, or district did, or maybe you weren’t meant to teach. I don’t know. I work every day to ask questions, and look beyond my first emotional reaction. The quality of life in our country is amazing and better than ever for most, but has a long way to go. The whole back in the day is BS for a huge portion of America.

Three districts in three states tells me that I disagree with you. The politically correct nonsense is everywhere. Respect is only for liberal views, not for conservative, therefor it is false.

Sorry, I just disagree.
Three districts in three states tells me that I disagree with you. The politically correct nonsense is everywhere. Respect is only for liberal views, not for conservative, therefor it is false.

Sorry, I just disagree.

Interesting. I’d love to hear some facts. What specific events happened at these districts? What are these liberal views? I don’t understand your comment on respect. What do you mean? Respect is only for liberal views? Not for conservative? Respect is false? I’ve looked back at your quotes and you tend to make statements of opinion without resting in facts. Are you saying that respect isn’t valuable? Three districts in three states in 18 years? I’d be curious to know which states, and why you switched that many times in that time. How many actual positions? I love asking questions, and am curious.
amazed at 20 years of kids, great times, no real fighting ever, numerous discussions about future, retirement, life, Montana prairie is a desolate place, never really needed many friends as I had my greatest friend and partner for all aspects, family 1100 miles away , my boy in military for 5 years, tuff road at the moment,,,,
anyway I needed a place to vent, look for advice, ect,,,, thanks everyone
I appreciate your courage. We’re here for you. We all need people. Humans are pack animals. 😊
Three districts in three states tells me that I disagree with you. The politically correct nonsense is everywhere. Respect is only for liberal views, not for conservative, therefor it is false.

Sorry, I just disagree.

Doesn't sound like you have much respect for views different than your own. How is that any different than your accusation? There is also a chance you are not right about everything, all the time.

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