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Dick Proenneke


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Saw this mention on another board & reminded me of this extraordinary man's life. Anyone catch the PBS airing.."Alone In The Wilderness" about Proenneke's self filmed chronicle of starting from scratch in the Ak wilderness? Available on DVD...wouldn't mind watching it again.

Amazing stuff, talk about resourceful, this guy did it all.
I watched about an hour of it the other night. I think I have seen the entire show, but just in pieces. Impressive man.
Those wooden hinges on his door are absolutelty amazing. Everything he built was amazing, he was a craftsman in addition to one tough dude.
I bought his book in Ketchikan when my wife and I were on an Alaskan crusie and finished it before the cruise was over. I couldn't stop reading it. A year or so previously I had caught the last 10 minutes or so of the documentary on PBS and kind of forgot about it. Anyways, I asked for the DVD for my birthday and have watched it several times. He was an amazing man and had an amazing story.

PBS must be begging for money again. That's the only time they have a decent show on. The book is great. If you like "One Mans Wilderness", read "Indian Creek Chronicles" by Pete Fromm. It's a real story of a guy who spends the winter in the Upper Selway River in the 70's. Best book I ever read.

Good recommendation for the "Indian Creek Chronicles"...that is a very good book.

If you liked Indian Creek Chronicles...another good one is "The Lochsa Story" by Bud Moore.

I couldnt put either one down once I started reading them.

Theres also another book about the Colgate Hunting party and their trip through the Selway that is really good too...just cant remember the name of it off-hand.
Buzz if that was the Carlin hunting party I belive the book was "In the Heart of the Bitterroot Mountains" and your right, was a good read. Parts were fromt the book "Tragic Trek" which was also interesting. It might be a different book though?

I'll have to check the others out.
While it may not be an "outdoors" book, if you want to read a good book on survival, check out "Survive!" by Peter Deleo. It is about a man who crashed a small plane in the Sierra Nevadas and how he survived and actually walked out to safety over 2 weeks. He did it with no supplies and several broken bones. It is quite the amazing story.

Also if you are into mountainering at all, than check out Jon Krakauer and "Eiger Dreams" or "Into Thin Air". Krakauer is famous for writing "Into the Wild" about the dumbass who walked out into the Alaska wilderness thinking he could survive and ended up dieing.
Gup- wasn't that the story about some rich kid that gave everything away and lived out in the middle of BFA in a school bus? Didn't they find his body like 6 months later or something on that order?

.....Back ground music playing...I did it myyyyy wayyyyyy! :rolleyes:
Gup- wasn't that the story about some rich kid that gave everything away and lived out in the middle of BFA in a school bus? Didn't they find his body like 6 months later or something on that order?

.....Back ground music playing...I did it myyyyy wayyyyyy! :rolleyes:
Yeah Marv....that's "Into the Wild". I've read it several times...a few years back, my wife and I went back on that trail, but couldn't make it all the way due to the level of the river.

I think you're right, it was the Carlin hunting party and I think that is the book.

I read it about 10 years ago.
Wasn't there a Survival Book by some guy names ELKCHSR or something ? Anyone know anythnig about that book or have a quote from it ? ;)
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